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UltraPure Omega 3
120 Capsules
UltraPure Omega 3
120 Capsules
  • Supports heart function and brain activity 
  • Helps to preserve vision 
  • Highly dosed with 800 mg EPA and 600 mg DHA per day 
  • Ultra pure due to threefold distillation 
  • Patented technology for 70% higher bioavailability 
  • Pleasant lemon taste, without any fishy aftertaste 
German flagGerman Quality
Soy FreeSoy Free
Lactose FreeLactose Free
Without AdditivesWithout Additives

Omega 3 capsules - highly dosed, ultra-pure and with high bioavailability

The omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA are very important for the health of the heart, brain and also contribute to the preservation of normal blood lipid values.

Soy FreeSoy Free
Lactose FreeLactose Free
Without AdditivesWithout Additives
Verified purchase
UltraPure Omega3

I have been taking the capsules twice a week for 3 weeks and am very satisfied. The capsules have a pleasant lemon flavour and are easy to swallow.

Written by Agnieszka
UltraPure Omega 3
120 Capsules
  • Supports heart function and brain activity 
  • Helps to preserve vision 
  • Highly dosed with 800 mg EPA and 600 mg DHA per day 
  • Ultra pure due to threefold distillation 
  • Patented technology for 70% higher bioavailability 
  • Pleasant lemon taste, without any fishy aftertaste 
Save an extra 5% if you order for GBP 100 or more.
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Or choose a subscription:
Always -20%
every 4 months
1 x 120 Capsules

In stock

  • Free shipping above GBP 25
  • Delivery within 3-4 working days
  • 100 Day Money Back Guarantee
Verified purchase
UltraPure Omega3

I have been taking the capsules twice a week for 3 weeks and am very satisfied. The capsules have a pleasant lemon flavour and are easy to swallow.

Written by Agnieszka

Omega 3 capsules - highly dosed, ultra-pure and with high bioavailability

The omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA are very important for the health of the heart, brain and also contribute to the preservation of normal blood lipid values.

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Highest Bioactive Ingredients
Omega 3 high dose with more EPA and DHA

UltraPure Omega 3 capsules are highly dosed compared to other Omega 3 preparations and are guaranteed to deliver pure, high-quality Omega 3 fish oil with a very high content of 400mg EPA and 300mg DHA per capsule. So you don't have to swallow a lot of capsules in order to take an effective amount of EPA and DHA per day.

The UltraPure Omega 3 capsules are additionally optimized with natural lemon oil. This makes taking it more pleasant and prevents unpleasant burping.

Due to the significantly higher concentration of EPA and DHA, UltraPure Omega 3 has a very good price/performance ratio.

Why UltraPure Omega 3 is the best Omega 3 capsules you can buy:
  • very high dose with 400mg EPA and 300mg DHA per capsule
  • ultra pure due to 3-fold molecular distillation
  • free from mercury, lead, DDT, pesticides, etc.
  • 70% better bioavailability than fish oil in ethyl ester form
  • all fatty acids are contained in the natural triglyceride form (rTG)
  • exclusive use of high-quality wild fish oil
  • with natural vitamin E and rosemary extract to maintain freshness
  • optimized with a natural lemon taste
  • made without dyes
  • does not contain iodine



Molecular distilled Deep Sea Fish Oil as natural Triglycerides (from Anchovies, Mackerels and Sardines), Softgel Capsule (Fish Gelatine, Humectant: Glycerine, Natural Lemon Oil), D-Alpha-Tocopherol (Vitamin E), Antioxidant: Rosemary Extract



  • Fish

Nutrition facts

Recommended daily dose: 2x 1 capsule

Amount per daily dosage


Amount (% NRV*)

UltraPure Omega 3 Fish Oil (as Triglycerides)


of which EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid)


of which DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid)


of which other Omega Fatty Acids


α-TE Vitamin E

10mg (83%)

* % of NRV (Nutrient Reference Value) according to EU regulation

2000x2000_Purely Formulated_v01_EN.png
Purely Formulated

Vitality Nutritionals formulations are free from impurities, flavourings, and sweeteners. Vegan or vegetarian ingredients are used where possible, and every product is non-GMO.

UltraPure Omega 3 is guaranteed:
  • free from lactose, gluten, yeast, soy, egg
  • free from wheat and dairy products
  • free from artificial colors
  • free from genetically modified substances
  • suitable for Diabetics


Soy FreeSoy Free
Lactose FreeLactose Free
Without AdditivesWithout Additives


Highly dosed, ultra-pure Omega3 with high bioavailability

The omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA are very important for the health of the heart, brain and also contribute to the preservation of normal blood lipid values as well as the optimal development of the brain and the eyes of the an unborn child and infant.

High EPA and DHA contents are crucial for efficiency

Take only Omega 3 fish oil capsules which clearly display the content of its EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) content on the package. This is the only way for you to be sure if the products provides sufficient amounts of EPA and DHA to enhance your health.

UltraPure Omega3 is 70% better absorbable than 95% of available fish oils

In nature, Omega 3 fish oil is found in the triglyceride form. To be able to purify fish oil, it must be converted into the ethyl ester form (EE) to stabilize the sensitive fatty acids. This ethyl ester (EE) oil can be re-esterified into the natural triglyceride form (rTG) after purification.

In order to save costs, 95% of all Omega 3 products offered worldwide contain ethyl ester oil, which does not occur in nature. Most companies, therefore, do not state what form of fish oil it is.

New study shows 70% higher bioavailability of the rTG form

The Omega 3 pioneer Dr. Jorn Dyerberg recently made a placebo-controlled double-blind study to find out which of the Omega 3 forms is best absorbed by the body - hence, has the best bioavailability.

The result of the study was remarkable. Omega 3 fish oil in rTG form, as it is contained in UltraPure Omega3, showed a 70% higher bioavailability than fish oil in Ethyl Ester form.

This means, whoever takes Omega 3 fish oil in the Ethyl Ester form, is wasting 70% of his money, because a large part of the oil isn't even absorbed and/or used by the body. With no other dietary supplement it is so important to pay attention to quality as when it comes to Omega 3 fatty acids.

Therefore, it is reassuring for our customers to know that they have been using fish oil in the natural triglyceride form of superior bioavailability, purity and quality with UltraPure Omega3.

In fact, because of its many advantages UltraPure Omega3 is one of the best Omega 3 products worldwide.

How much Omega 3 do I need?

The human body cannot utilize Omega 3 fatty acids by himself. That's why we have to consume it on a regularly basis through our foods or by taking Omega 3 capsules.

Studies have shown that adults should consume approximately 1000mg of both Omega 3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, to maintain optimum health and vitality. You can get this amount by consuming approximately two UltraPure Omega 3 capsules daily.

What are the benefits of omega 3 for your health?

The positive effects of the two Omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA have already been documented in numerous studies. These include, for example:

  • contributes to normal heart function
  • contributes to the maintenance of normal brain function
  • contributes to the maintenance of normal eyesight
  • helps maintain normal triglyceride levels
  • contributes to the normal development of the eyes and brain in the fetus and infant

Omega 3 fatty acids support the heart function

A healthy heart is a prerequisite for supplying the body with vital substances and oxygen so that the metabolic processes in the cells can run optimally. The Omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA can contribute significantly to normal heart function and thus have a positive impact on our health. A daily intake of at least 250 mg EPA and DHA can help keep the heart productive.

Omega 3 supports the normal brain function

The brain is made up of about 60% fat, with the DHA share up to 30%. DHA is also an essential component of the nerve cells and the cell membranes and thus significantly involved in the optimal transmission of impulse transmissions in the central nervous system.

That is why DHA is also known as 'brain food'. Studies have shown that people in countries with high omega 3 consumption (such as Japan) are also more mentally active in old age.

We are exposed to countless stimuli and requirements every day at work and in our free time. The concentration, the ability to think and the performance of the brain are constantly challenged. We can only manage all of this with optimal brain function.

Studies show a clear correlation between DHA intake and improved brain function. The positive effect of DHA on the brain arises with a daily intake of at least 250 mg DHA.

Omega 3 helps maintain eyesight

The cells of the retina in the eye also have a very high DHA content, which is why the daily supply of sufficient DHA can have a positive effect on the vision. The effect of DHA for maintaining normal eyesight arises with long-term daily intake of at least 250 mg DHA.

Omega 3 maintains normal triglyceride levels

We need a certain amount of triglycerides because they are part of the cell membrane. We usually consume them through fatty foods. But it shouldn't be too much, because an elevated triglyceride level is a risk factor for arteriosclerosis.

Studies have shown that adequate intake of DHA and EPA can help maintain normal triglyceride levels in the blood. The positive effect occurs with a daily intake of at least 2000 mg EPA and DHA. However, the total daily intake of 5000 mg EPA and DHA combined should not be exceeded.

Omega 3 for mother and child

Only when there are sufficient omega 3 fatty acids can the eyes and brain of the growing child develop optimally. To ensure this, the expectant mother should consume at least 200 mg DHA daily through a dietary supplement or food, in addition to the recommended daily intake of at least 250 mg DHA and EPA per day for adults.

A study in the Netherlands showed that mothers' omega 3 stores were largely used up during pregnancy if they did not consume enough omega 3 fatty acids in their diet.

Even after birth, the infant up to the age of 12 months needs at least 100 mg of DHA per day through breast milk or with follow-on nutrition so that eyesight can continue to develop normally.

The mother should also take at least 250 mg EPA and DHA after birth to support her own health and prevent an omega 3 deficiency. Among other things, this is associated with depression after birth.

Manage stress better with Omega 3 capsules

When under stress, large amounts of omega 3 fatty acids are used up. This can lead to an omega 3 deficiency in a relatively short time, which leads to pronounced mood swings. An adequate intake of omega 3 fish oil can increase mental performance and reduce the consequences of high-stress levels.

Dr. Frank Liebke wrote the following in his book 'Omega 3 fatty acids - health from the ocean': 'It is undoubtedly unhealthy to constantly expose yourself to too much stress. On the other hand, some stressful situations cannot be avoided. But I can give you hope: From now on you are no longer hopelessly exposed to the stress and its negative consequences. We owe many of the unpleasant stress symptoms such as rapid heartbeat, cold sweat, inner restlessness, sleep disorders, outbursts of anger and fear to the activity-promoting hormones of the body. '

When stressed, noradrenaline floods the whole body. Japanese researchers have now been able to demonstrate convincingly that there is an easy way to curb the excess production of noradrenaline. With the help of the omega 3 fatty acid DHA, the blood values for noradrenaline were reduced and stress-related complaints occurred less frequently.

Why does UltraPure Omega 3 contain rosemary extract?

Omega 3 fatty acids oxidize much faster than other fats. Rosemary extract and natural vitamin E are contained in UltraPure Omega 3 as natural antioxidants to protect the sensitive fish oil from oxidation. This keeps the fish oil fresh and stable, keeping its high quality as long as possible.

Rosemary extract is a natural antioxidant that has been approved by the EU for all population groups as an additive to food. This also includes pregnant women who belong to the normal population in terms of nutrition.

The amount of rosemary extract contained in the daily dose is low, which is why UltraPure Omega 3 is also suitable for pregnant women. If you are pregnant and have concerns about rosemary extract, please ask your gynecologist.

Save up to 15% when you buy Omega 3 capsules

Omega 3 capsules should be taken regularly over a long period of time. Experts even recommend a permanent daily intake to guarantee an adequate supply with the two crucial omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA and to prevent a deficiency.

Therefore, buy your Omega 3 capsules in stock or place a bulk order with family or friends. Take advantage of our bulk discounts, with which you can save up to 15%. At the same time, you benefit from the many advantages of long-term intake of Omega 3 capsules.

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Pharma Grade Quality

When it comes to your health, quality and safety are of the highest importance. Vitality Nutritionals has rigorous standards in place to ensure they work with only the most reputable suppliers.

  • Exclusive use of premium active ingredients in their purest form
  • Sourced directly from the world’s best producers
  • Complete avoidance of all unnecessary additives
  • All raw materials and finished products undergo strict internal and third-party testing for bioactivity, purity, microbiological content, residual solvents, heavy metals, and pesticides
  • Products are produced, bottled, and encapsulated in the EU according to HACCP and GMP standards
The 3-fold molecular distillation guarantees the purity

Many consumers today are well aware that most types of fish are more or less polluted with environmental pollutants.

But what many don't know is that these are mainly stored in the fat of the fish. That is why everything is done during the production of UltraPure Omega 3 to achieve the highest possible purity.

1. UltraPure Omega 3 capsules are made exclusively from very small cold-water fish, e.g. sardines and mackerel. These naturally short-lived fish store much fewer pollutants than large fish. They are also caught in the pristine South American Pacific Ocean, where pollution levels are much lower than in other parts of the world.

2. The obtained wild fish oil is subjected to a 3-fold molecular distillation using patented technology. Heavy metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium and arsenic as well as pesticides are reduced to an absolute minimum. The standard set by the EU is even undercut by up to 90%.

3. The ultra-pure fish oil obtained this way is subject to the strictest quality controls throughout the manufacturing process so that the high purity standard can be guaranteed. A product batch is only released for the production of the capsules after a certificate has been issued.

With UltraPure Omega 3 capsules you will receive a product of the highest quality and purity. Starting with the targeted selection of certain types of fish, triple distillation, strict quality controls and pleasant taste. During every stage of production, care is taken to produce ultra-pure fish oil with a high EPA and DHA content. The wholesome lemon taste makes sure that you take UltraPure Omega 3 every day with joy.

 View laboratory test results   

How to use
The recommended intake is:
2 Capsules
1 Capsule
2 times
Recommended dosage

2 x 1 capsule daily with a glass of water before a meal.

  Important note

Has fish oil negative anticoagulation effects? Is there synergy with coumadin or aspirin?
⁠Fish oil can act as anti-coagulants by reducing the production of thromboxane A2. Fish oil will be synergistic with coumadin because the drug acts on a different part of the coagulation process. If you are taking coumadin, you should be constantly checking your pro-thrombin times since any change in the diet - including adding extra fish oil - might change the metabolism and action of any drug.

  Food supplement disclaimer

Food supplements are not a substitute for a balanced, varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded. The information provided is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professionals. It is not a statement on healing or a recommendation for self-medication.

  • Store tightly closed in a cool, dry place
  • Protect from sunlight and moisture
  • May also be stored in the refrigerator
  • Do not store in the freezer
  • Keep out of reach of children


UltraPure Omega 3
UltraPure Omega 3
  • Item No.


  • Brand

    Vitality Nutritionals

  • Portions


  • Unit


  • Made in


  • Net Weight

    170 Grams

  • Pack size


  • Servings per day


  • Supply for days


  • Price per kg/l

    £147.00 / 1KG incl. VAT

Dairy Free
Egg Free
Free of Colours
Fructose Free
Gelatine Free
Gluten Free
Lactose Free
No Artificial Sweetener
No Magnesium Stearate
No Microcrystal Cellulose
No Silicon Dioxide
No Sugar Alcohol
Nut Free
Peanut Free
Shellfish Free
Soy Free
Sugar Free
Wheat Free
Yeast Free
Made in Europe
Without Additives

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Vitality Nutritionals

Vitality Nutritionals is committed to bringing you the finest nutritional and nutraceutical supplements that are backed by the latest scientific research and proven to deliver real results.

Highest Bioactive Ingredients

Our commitment to using the purest ingredients ensures you get the most from our products. Our supplements are bioactive (easily absorbed in the gut) and bioavailable (easily assimilated).

Purely Formulated

Our formulations are free from impurities, articial flavourings and artificial sweeteners. Vegan or vegetarian ingredients are used where possible, and every product is non-GMO.


We use effective dosages of clinically proven ingredients to ensure potency. Our formulations are informed by human clinical studies, traditional usage and EFSA recommended levels.

Pharma Grade Quality

We follow the highest standards of quality, safety and hygiene in our products. Our supplements are made in European GMP-certified facilities and undergo rigorous internal and third-party testing and quality control.

Latest 5 reviews
Omega 3

The capsules are easy to take and have no unpleasant aftertaste.

Written by Hannelore
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Very good product

It is a high-quality product. The smell and flavour are also very good. My husband and I have been taking it for a long time.

Written by Renate
Verified purchase
Ultra Pure Omega 3

The product is very well tolerated, the capsules are a little large, but are still quite easy to take. Good price/performance. Gladly again😁

Written by Sue Iseli
Verified purchase
Very satisfied

I have been taking the product for several years and am very happy with it. It was recommended to me by my nutritionist. It does not cause any discomfort like other Omegta 3 products often do.

Written by Isabelle
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Very good product

I am very satisfied with the product, blood pressure has landed in the normal range, I feel much better

Written by Sabine
4.7/ 5
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Latest 5 reviews
Omega 3

The capsules are easy to take and have no unpleasant aftertaste.

Written by Hannelore
Verified purchase
Very good product

It is a high-quality product. The smell and flavour are also very good. My husband and I have been taking it for a long time.

Written by Renate
Verified purchase
Ultra Pure Omega 3

The product is very well tolerated, the capsules are a little large, but are still quite easy to take. Good price/performance. Gladly again😁

Written by Sue Iseli
Verified purchase
Very satisfied

I have been taking the product for several years and am very happy with it. It was recommended to me by my nutritionist. It does not cause any discomfort like other Omegta 3 products often do.

Written by Isabelle
Verified purchase
Very good product

I am very satisfied with the product, blood pressure has landed in the normal range, I feel much better

Written by Sabine
Based on 767 reviews
Latest 5 reviews
Omega 3

The capsules are easy to take and have no unpleasant aftertaste.

Written by Hannelore
Verified purchase
Very good product

It is a high-quality product. The smell and flavour are also very good. My husband and I have been taking it for a long time.

Written by Renate
Verified purchase
Ultra Pure Omega 3

The product is very well tolerated, the capsules are a little large, but are still quite easy to take. Good price/performance. Gladly again😁

Written by Sue Iseli
Verified purchase
Very satisfied

I have been taking the product for several years and am very happy with it. It was recommended to me by my nutritionist. It does not cause any discomfort like other Omegta 3 products often do.

Written by Isabelle
Verified purchase
Very good product

I am very satisfied with the product, blood pressure has landed in the normal range, I feel much better

Written by Sabine
4.7/ 5