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Buying cistus - What you should know!

The rock rose has been known as a medicinal plant for many centuries. Due to its diverse herbal ingredients, it is used in natural and folk medicine for various ailments. If you would also like to benefit from the positive properties and buy products with rock rose, you have the choice between practical dosage forms such as rock rose capsules, lozenges or teas.


What can the vital substance do for you in particular?

The rock rose (Cistus) is - contrary to what the name suggests - not a rose plant. It belongs to the independent family of the rock rose plants. It forms small bushes that prefer to grow in Mediterranean countries and that bloom in spring. The leaves of the rock rose are somewhat sticky because they contain a high amount of labdanum. Labdanum is the resin of the rock rose, which was already used in antiquity against skin complaints.

Due to its diverse ingredients and the associated areas of application, the rock rose was valued as a medicinal plant as early as the 4th century BC. And even today you still have the opportunity to use it for various ailments.

The main ingredients of rock rose that contribute to its wide range of uses include:

  • Tannins
  • Essential oils like cineole, eugenol and limonene as well
  • Various polyphenols, 12 of which are important flavonoids

Buy products with the rock rose to use as a comprehensive medicine cabinet. In folk medicine, the herbal ingredients of the rock rose plant are used primarily for gastrointestinal complaints and skin problems, or they are used against complaints caused by pathogens such as viruses, bacteria or fungi.

In the year 2000, scientists from the Italian University of Catania found that the rock rose is able to counteract oxidative stress and its consequences. The extract from various types of rock rose supports the cells and DNA, e.g. the genetic make-up, in defending against lasting damage caused by oxidative stress. It is therefore believed that the rock rose also helps protect against harmful UV radiation and its consequences.

In addition, it can be worth buying products with rock rose for holistic skin care and naturally supporting your skin to stay firm, smooth and healthy.

You can also use the power of the rock rose to counteract fungi, viruses and bacteria, as well as the ailments they cause. Studies show that it is possible to support the body in the case of breathing problems caused by viruses by taking cistus preparations.

Because of these properties, the rock rose is also used against ticks. Ticks are known to transmit the disease Lyme disease. This in turn is caused by the bacteria Borrelia. If they multiply in the body, they often attack the cells and trigger neurological abnormalities.

Last but not least, researchers found that rock rose with its versatile ingredients can have a positive effect on blood sugar.

A cistus therapy is also mentioned in folk medicine, which is used to remove harmful substances such as metals from the organism. Would you like to help your body detox with the help of a rock rose preparation? Then combine the rock rose cure with a suitable holistic detoxification program. This can generally support your vitality, a healthy complexion and normal digestion.

Rock rose - What Should You Look For?

Would you like to counteract complaints in the skin or gastrointestinal tract or give rock rose a chance for other reasons? We'll explain to you what to look for when buying.

Products and dosage forms

If you decide to buy cistus preparations, you have a choice between

  • Rock rose tablets and capsules - easy to use and practical for on the go
  • Rock rose lozenges that are particularly tasty and pleasant to suck on
  • Rock rose applications for the skin (such as creams, gels, ointments)
  • Teas made from rock rose leaves that you can combine in many ways, and
  • Oils with the ingredients of rock rose - versatile, for example as massage oil.

When buying tea made from rock rose leaves, you should note that although it tastes quite aromatic, it is also a bit tart. If you like this taste, be sure to try rock rose tea. Of course, you can also combine the rock rose tea leaves with other types of tea to modify the taste according to your preferences. It is also good to know that rock rose tea is caffeine-free.

You can use the tea leaves or cistus extracts to create pleasant sitting baths or compresses that you can apply to the skin, for example. Mouth rinses for use in the oropharynx are also possible, which you can use as required or for regular, plant-based oral hygiene.

Application and tolerance

If you would like to enjoy the rock rose as a soothing tea, simply pour 2 tablespoons of the dried rock rose leaves into one litre of tea water. Let the tea steep for about 5 minutes. If you like, you can mix in other herbs or tea leaves to create an individual taste or to expand the spectrum of activity - for example, peppermint, lemon balm or sage.

If, on the other hand, you would like to make a mouthwash or a skin pad, it makes sense to make a strong brew from the cistus leaves. To do this, simply prepare the tea a little stronger - i.e. with more leaves and less water.

It is best to mix essential rock rose oil with another base oil in a ratio of 1:10. For example, jojoba or almond oil are suitable for this. This gives you a rich skin oil that you can use for massage, skin care or the treatment of skin complaints. Alternatively, you also have the option of stirring the rock rose oil into ointments and creams.

Additives and allergens

Rock rose and its products are generally known to be skin-friendly and tolerable. However, allergies and intolerances are never ruled out. If you are prone to sensitive skin or irritation, try rock rose products for use on the skin on small areas first.

Oral cistus preparations are also usually well tolerated. The tannins rarely cause symptoms such as nausea or abdominal pain. It is therefore best to always start with a small dose, which you increase slowly as required. Also look out for additives and allergens that can be contained in the various preparations (for example fillers or lactose in capsules) and that vary from product to product.

In addition, it should be noted that the polyphenols and tannins contained in rock rose can affect the absorption of various substances in the gastrointestinal tract if they are taken continuously. It has not yet been conclusively clarified whether the tannins found in the rock rose interact with other drugs. If you take other preparations, leave at least one hour between taking oral rock rose products.

Price-performance ratio

If you decide to buy a product with rock rose, you can generally assume a good price-performance ratio - after all, the well-known medicinal plant can be used as a comprehensive medicine cabinet for a wide variety of complaints.

Satisfaction guarantee

If you are not satisfied with your rock rose product, you can make use of our satisfaction guarantee. So you don't take any risks when buying and you can try out whether the product really suits you.

Questions and answers about buying rock rose

Where can you buy rock rose?

You can find a large selection of cistus preparations such as lozenges, capsules or tea online. In addition to online shops, pharmacies and drug stores also offer a small selection.

Does rock rose tea have side effects?

Some people experience gastrointestinal complaints such as nausea or abdominal pain after taking Cistus tea. It is best to start with small amounts and watch how your body reacts to the tea. With good tolerance, you can increase the amount.

How does rock rose work?

The ingredients of the rock rose have an astringent effect, among other things. This means that they pull the mucous membranes (for example of the intestines) together slightly. In the digestive tract, for example, this can mean that no excess fluid is drawn into the intestines. In addition, the cistus effect is based on the various herbal ingredients (e.g. flavonoids) that interact with the organism.

What does the rock rose look like?

Rock roses are up to 1.5 m high bushes with thin, parchment-like leaves and, depending on the species, have white to pink flowers in spring.

Leaves background
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