Acerola is also an excellent source of polyphenols which have powerful antioxidant effects that benefit collagen production and assist in reducing the signs of aging.
Acerola is a tree fruit native to the West Indies and also grown in South and Central America, as well as Texas and Florida. The fruit resembles a cherry and has a pleasant taste as well as a very high juice content.
This juice contains a high percentage, up to 4.5%, of vitamin C. This is much higher than the amount of vitamin C usually found in orange juice. More vitamin C is present in unripe fruit than in fruit that has reached maturity.
Traditionally this fruit has been used in a number of medicines, specifically those to treat diarrhea and dysentery, as well as liver disorders. It is also used to treat fevers.
Acerola has many astringent properties. The fruit is a good source of vitamin A as well as a number of other vitamins and minerals including calcium, thiamine and iron.
Acerola's exceptionally high vitamin C content is the key to its many health benefits. Vitamin C is necessary for proper metabolic function and as it cannot be synthesized by the human body, it must be obtained solely through diet. This can be difficult.
Taking acerola supplements is an excellent way to ensure an adequate vitamin C intake. The fruit is also packed with polyphenols which have an antioxidant effect beneficial for human health. It has been suggested that polyphenols may have anticarcinogenic properties and some people take acerola to prevent the development of cancer.
Acerola benefits cardiovascular health because of its excellent antioxidant properties. It is a significant source of vitamin C and polyphenols. This make it a powerful antioxidant that promotes heart health and can be helpful in preventing or treating coronary artery disease.
Acerola lowers blood pressure by dilating blood vessels, improving blood flow, and preventing the hardening of the arteries which can lead to heart attacks and strokes. It can also contribute to the prevention of blood clot formation.
Antioxidants help eradicate bad cholesterols and free radicals which also contributes to improved heart health.
Acerola's high vitamin C content has a positive effect on collagen production. This is vital to combat the signs of aging such as the lack of collagen which leads to sagging and wrinkling of the skin.
Acerola's antioxidant properties also break down dangerous toxins which can cause damage to the body. Acerola contains carotenoids which have a positive effect on eye health, aiding eyesight into old age, as well as bioflavonoids which work well to boost cognitive function which can sometimes suffer as people get older.
The polyphenols in acerola also may work to prevent age spots and skin discoloration as they have natural skin bleaching properties.
People suffering from stress might find relief in an acerola supplements. Studies have shown that vitamin C is indispensable to synthesize adrenaline.
Without adequate amounts of this dietary supplement, the human body can begin to suffer from a build up of stress which can be detrimental to both mental and physical health. Stress causes anxiety and depression among other mental problems.
It also can result in high blood pressure and a suppressed immune system which can lead to the development of colds and other illnesses. Taking acerola supplements can prevent the occurrence of these problems.
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People have reported some mild side effects when taking acerola supplements. If too much acerola is taken, diarrhea could be a problem. Acerola side effects are rare and generally short-lived. Anyone experiencing acerola side effects that last for more than a few days should consult their doctor or healthcare professional.
Acerola is known to have some negative effects when combined with certain other drugs. Acerola interacts with Fluphenazine because of the high levels of Vitamin C and it may therefore interfere with the effectiveness of Fluphenazine.
Acerola has no official dosing guidelines. Acerola powder has a natural Vitamin C content of 17%. The amount of Acerola someone should take per day depends on its individual Vitamin C requirements, which is dependent upon many factors such as age, health, and existing medical conditions.
However, the minimum intake per day should be 600mg Acerola powder, which contains 100mg of Vitamin C. The intake for optimal health is about 1800mg, which comes to 300mg Vitamin C.
Acerola capsules and Acerola tablets contain varying amounts of acerola extract, so be sure to read the label.
Acerola is known by several names - Acerola Cherry, Acerola Fruitpowder, Cerise de la Barbade and Cerise des Antilles, as well as West Indian Cherry, Barbados Cherry and Puerto Rican Cherry. It may also be called its official names, Malpighia glabra and Malpighia punicifolia.
Acerola, the cherry-like fruit from Central and South America, is considered a natural vitamin C miracle. In addition to the main ingredient vitamin C, the tropical superfood contains a multitude of essential vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals. The Mayans, one of the indigenous groups in Central America, already had knowledge about the positive properties and used Acerola specifically to strengthen the body's defenses.
With its highly effective antioxidants, the power fruit boosts the metabolism, ensures cell renewal and protects the cardiovascular system from the harmful consequences of arteriosclerosis. Scientific studies suggest that regular acerola consumption can reduce the cancer risk.