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Boswellia - the powerful anti-inflammatory herb

Boswellia is a herb used as a natural remedy. The main health benefits of Boswellia supplements are linked to its powerful anti-inflammatory properties.


Boswellia (boswellia serrata) is the best kept secret in the herbal kingdom. It has been known to humans since the ancient times, being particularly popular in Indian medicines. However, once long forgotten, it has made its comeback in recent years to provide essential support in maintaining health and promoting well-being.

It is used broadly in managing chronic conditions, such as asthma, arthritis and inflammation of the bowels. Boswellia supplements can enhance the natural healing processes in the body and provide significant relief from the most common symptoms of inflammation.

Boswellia has great potential to fight inflammation in the human body. So its main health benefits are related to relieving any symptoms brought by inflammation. There are several long-term inflammatory conditions affecting different organs in the body, such as asthma, arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease and cardiovascular inflammation.

People who suffer from those conditions can largely benefit from taking Boswellia supplements regularly. Decreasing the intensity of the unpleasant symptoms can promote the general quality of life and the sense of well-being.

Boswellia health benefits

  • Fights inflammation in the body
  • Reduces joint pain
  • Maintains a healthy heart and blood circulation
  • Contributes to the prevention of heart attacks and strokes
  • Reduces the number and severity of asthma attacks
  • Contributes to a general sense of well-being and vitality

How does Boswellia suppress inflammation and improves health?

So how does Boswellia work? The active ingredient of the Boswellia herb is called Boswellic acid. Boswellic acid stops the formation of leukotrienes.

Leukotrienes are substances in the body that are responsible for triggering an inflammatory response. The reduction of inflammatory processes can improve your health by giving you significant relief from the symptoms and by stopping further development of the disease.

It also proves to be helpful due to its ability to prevent possible complications and co-morbidities. And last but not least, Boswellia supplements can be beneficial in fighting depression which is a frequent consequence of having to live with a chronic disease, especially if it is a painful one.

Symptoms related to inflammation can include:

  • Joint pain
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Ulcers (when the lining of the bowels are affected)
  • Shortness of breath (when airways are affected)

Boswellia reduces Symptoms of Arthritis

Arthritis in both its forms - osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis - is one of the most debilitating diseases. It is exceptionally painful and known to severely limit mobility in those who suffer with it.

Arthritis in essence is a damage of the joints which causes constant inflammation around the affected joint. Therefore, Boswellia is best suited to provide help with the symptoms of arthritis.

Boswellia can help with taking down the intensity of the constant pain and letting you feel happier and calmer, allowing you to get on with day-to-day activities. Less pain means increased mobility which, in turn, can facilitate independence, exercise, better weight management and improved body image.

Boswellia reduces Cardiovascular Inflammation

It has been proven that inflammation plays an immense role in atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a serious condition characterized by clogging of the arteries which makes it difficult for the blood to flow freely and to supply vital organs with oxygen and nutrients.

Boswellia supplements can reduce cardiovascular inflammation and be your powerful ally in prevention of heart attacks and strokes. Boswellia's positive effects on the cardiovascular system also include the relief of symptoms, such as chest pain on exertion, angina, shortness of breath, transient ischaemic attacks and other negative consequences of atherosclerosis.

The use of Boswellia can help you on the way to maintaining a healthy heart and avoiding the detrimental effects of heart disease.

Boswellia and Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Inflammatory Bowel Disease includes conditions such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. These are conditions characterized by inflammation of the lining of the guts, causing abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever and fatigue. This is a miserable and life-limiting condition that brings to the affected people considerable distress.

Using Boswellia supplements can help decrease the inflammation in the bowels which, in turn, can reduce the formation process of ulcers. In practical terms it can bring relief from pain, discomfort and diarrhea. It can improve your well-being, helping you to manage the condition and improve your social life by enjoying your food more and not worrying about the symptoms constantly.

Boswellia - a natural solution for asthma

Asthma is another inflammatory condition which can be helped by Boswellia supplements. When you suffer from asthma, certain particles in the environment can trigger an allergic reaction and your airways can become inflamed and thickened, making it very difficult to breathe, causing coughing and wheezing.

The number and the intensity of asthma attacks can vary greatly and, in extreme cases, can be life-threatening. Asthma attacks can be very scary for those who experience them and for those around them. In order to reduce the inflammation in the airways, medications called bronchodilators are used in the form of inhalers.

Boswellia has the same anti-inflammatory properties and is a natural product. The usage of this herb supplement is tested and proven to bring down the severity and frequency of asthma attacks.

Who may benefit from taking a Boswellia supplement?

  • People who have osteoarthritis
  • Those who have rheumatoid arthritis
  • People diagnosed with atherosclerosis
  • Asthma sufferers
  • People diagnosed with Crohn's disease
  • Those diagnosed with ulcerative colitis

Does Boswellia have any side effects?

As with other medications and supplements, always be aware of allergic reactions. Stop using Boswellia supplements if you suffer from any adverse reactions.

There are no severe adverse effects of using Boswellia but some minor ones reported are acid reflux, nausea, diarrhea and skin irritations. Do not use Boswellia supplements if you are pregnant or breastfeeding due to the lack of sufficient tests supporting safety.

Boswellia interactions and combinations

Boswellia supplements interact with other supplements and medications. Boswellia can decrease the effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) which include medications such as Ibuprofen or Aspirin.

It can also interact with other drugs, such as antibiotics, sedatives and immunomodulators. Boswellia may interact with other supplements, such as supplements used to lower cholesterol, antifungals and others. Always tell your doctor if you use Boswellia.

Boswellia dosage recommendations

Boswellia dosage can vary. Always follow the instructions from the manufacturer of the Boswellia capsules. The general guidance recommends 300-500 milligrams depending on the condition treated, with inflammatory bowel disease requiring a higher dosage.

Why take a Boswellia supplement?

  • Lower inflammation in your body
  • Relieve pain from arthritis
  • Maintain a healthy heart and circulation
  • Improve symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease, such as pain and diarrhea
  • Reduce the frequency and severity of your asthma attacks

Other names of Boswellia

Boswellia Serrata, Indian Frankincense

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