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Krill Oil Royal
Vitality Nutritionals
Krill Oil Royal
60 Capsules - Krill oil capsules - high doses of the best quality from the Antarctic

Krill Oil - What You Should Know !

The omega 3 fatty acids in krill oil are bound to phospholipids and are therefore particularly well absorbed by the body. Studies show that krill oil can promote the health of the heart, blood vessels, brain and joints due to its strong anti-inflammatory properties.

Krill oil improves the cognitive function of the brain and has a noticeable effect on mood and concentration.

Krill oil is naturally healthy

People often ask, how krill oil can help alleviate different ailments such as cardiovascular diseases, arthritis or PMS. The answer is simple: krill oil is extremely effective at inhibiting inflammation.

Recent studies have shown that inflammation is directly associated with numerous chronic diseases and ageing.

Studies have confirmed the effect of krill oil

  • Krill oil decreases cholesterol levels After only 12 weeks: overall cholesterol levels fell by 13%. LDL decreased by 32%. Triglycerides were reduced by 11%. And good HDL increased a full 44%.
  • Krill oil can help reduce PMS After only 3 months: irritability decreased by 47%. Depression fell by almost 40%. Water retention decreased by 37%. Lower abdominal pain fell a full 33%.
  • Krill oil alleviates joint pain After only 1 week: pain decreased by 24%. Stiffening was reduced by 22%. Joint flexibility increased by 16%.
  • But krill oil has even more benefits

    It has a great potential as energy booster, brain tonic, sun protects (like sunscreen that works from the inside out), anti-ageing remedy etc.

Krill oil - the Omega 3 from the Antarctic

Krill oil is extracted from krill, a small species of crab found in the cold waters of Antarctica. These small creatures serve as food for larger fish.

By nature, krill are not contaminated by heavy metals and other toxins harmful to humans. Each year, only a tiny fraction of the total population of the krill is harvested. Since they multiply very quickly, they occur in almost unlimited numbers.

These shrimp-like crustaceans live in huge swarms in the clear, ice cold waters of Antarctica.

What is Krill Oil ?

Krill oil combines three valuable, vital substances in one preparation :

  • Important anti-inflammatory Omega 3 fatty acids
  • Cell active fats, the so-called phospholipids
  • Cell protecting antioxidants

Experts agree that the complex interaction of these three vital substances is responsible for the many health-promoting properties of krill oil.

Regular consumption of Krill Oil is recommended

  • for all types of inflammation
  • to protect the heart and blood vessels
  • as a way of naturally reducing high cholesterol levels in the human body
  • to lessen the symptoms of psoriasis
  • for joint pain and to improve joint mobility
  • for hay fever and pollen allergies
  • to treat symptoms of menstrual pain and premenstrual syndrome (PMS), e.g. abdominal pain, depression, increased irritability, and water retention
  • to slow the ageing process
  • to increase well-being
  • to combat fatigue, depression, and apathy

Who may benefit the most from taking Krill Oil ?

  • anyone who wants to be healthier and more active
  • anyone who wants to protect their body's cells
  • women with menstrual cramps
  • people with high cholesterol levels
  • anyone who wants to prevent heart diseases

The many effects of Krill Oil

Krill Oil contains so-called omega 3 fatty acids. These have been proven to be important for the health and well-being of humans. However, since they cannot be produced by the body, they must be obtained from food.

The body needs these fatty acids to keep cells in good repair. They are also of great importance for the central nervous system. Furthermore, they are important for the mechanism of blood coagulation, they have influence on cholesterol levels and blood pressure and in the prevention and treatment of inflammation.

In addition, Krill Oil has a positive impact on the performance of the brain and within a short time after taking, it has a noticeable effect on mood, concentration, and alertness.

Omega 6 fatty acids, which we often consume in excess, help the body to trigger an inflammation to fight infection. Since Omega 3 fatty acids are responsible for ensuring that the inflammation is reduced, a lack of omega-3 fatty acids can have severe effects for your health.

Furthermore, Krill Oil also has, in contrast to other omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidant effects. Antioxidants are substances that protect the body's cells from the damaging effects of free radicals.

In addition, Krill Oil contains, as a dietary supplement, special fats, the so-called phospholipids. These are components of the membrane of the cells and also protect the body against free radicals.

Furthermore, these fats increase stress resistance. Brain cells, in particular, are dependent on an adequate supply of these substances. Krill Oil may thus also contribute to improved cognitive functioning and memory.

The third side of the nutrient triangle of the synergetic Krill Oil is a list of potent natural antioxidants. This helps to counteract the harmful effects of unstable oxygen molecules (free radicals).

These can, if nothing is used to counteract them, cause great damage to the cells (known as oxidative stress) and be responsible for a long list of chronic health problems.

Krill Oil is rich in antioxidants

Analyses have shown that Krill Oil contains an impressive cocktail of powerful antioxidants that not only represent a significant health benefit, but also make the oil itself extremely stable.

Krill Oil is rich in astaxanthin

Astaxathin has the strongest antioxidant effect in Krill Oil. It is a carotenoid from the nutrient-family, in which beta-carotene, lutein and lycopene are also to be found. Antioxidants such as astaxanthin are the stars among anti-ageing ingredients and have been demonstrated to inhibit the ageing process.

A remarkable feature of astaxanthin in Krill Oil is that it is fully esterified, i.e. it is chemically bonded to EPA and DHA molecules, the terminal products of cellular metabolism in krill.

This means that the human body can implement it fully and benefit from all the advantages of the considerable antioxidant properties. Astaxanthin also penetrates the blood-brain barrier, which means both protection and stimulation for the brain.

Astaxanthin from Krill Oil also offers excellent protection against UV rays and skin damage, which have been triggered by UV rays, thereby delaying the ageing process.

Antarctic Krill Oil has, in comparison to other products, an exceptionally high astaxanthin content. Besides its health-promoting properties it has the additional advantage that the oil protects itself from oxidation thus making itself stable.

Novel flavonoid

Krill Oil also contains an entirely new flavonoid (scientists call this 'Sampalis'), a substance normally found in plants that have powerful antioxidant capabilities.

Krill Oil has a high ORAC value

ORAC is a standard laboratory test used to evaluate the relative proportions of various antioxidants. The lower the number, the fewer the effects that may occur.

The wide-ranging antioxidants contained in Krill Oil have a proven amazing antioxidant potential. When Krill Oil was tested for its antioxidant potential using the standard ORAC (oxygen radical absorption capacity), the results were stunning. On the ORAC scale, the larger the value, the stronger the antioxidant effect.

In direct comparison with other known antioxidants that are in the form of oils, Krill Oil showed a surprisingly high level of 378. This is 300 times that of vitamin A or vitamin E and 48 times higher than the antioxidant capacity of conventional omega-3 fish oils.

Unique combination

While many properties of Krill Oil and its effects are still being investigated, experts agree that perhaps the complicated interaction of the three main ingredients - omega-3 acids, phospholipids, and antioxidants - are responsible for the many health benefits of Krill Oil.

Krill Oil - a natural inflammation inhibitor

Most people eat too many Omega 6 fatty acids (sunflower oil, safflower oil, corn oil, hydrogenated vegetable oils, eggs, etc.) and too little Omega 3 (fatty fish such as mackerel, salmon, tuna).

This imbalance leads to inflammation in the body cells, which, long before they cause discomfort or pain, have already caused great damage without being noticed.

New studies show that inflammation is a major cause of cardiovascular disease, arthritis, cancer, allergies, diabetes, rheumatism, elevated blood lipids, nervous diseases, acceleration of the ageing process and decisively affect general well-being. Krill Oil inhibits inflammation in all body cells naturally.

The importance of omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA in Krill Oil for us, is repeatedly being emphasised by nutrition experts, because a shortage may be a contributing cause of many civilisation diseases.

Omega 3 fatty acids are essential for the development of the central nervous system, play an important role in blood clotting, ensure normal blood pressure and healthy cholesterol levels and play an important role in inflammatory processes.

The fact, that with our modern diet we consume too many Omega 6 fatty acids and too few Omega 3 unfortunately leads to an imbalance in the body. If an infection has to be combated in the body, Omega 6 triggers the necessary inflammatory reactions.

Omega 3 fatty acids, as contained in Krill Oil, ensure, that a normal state is established again. If the concentration in the body is to low, you often fail in this, and this increases the risk of developing inflammation-related health problems.

Omega 3 fatty acids, as well as Omega 6 fatty acids, are not produced by the body itself and therefore must be supplied in the diet. Krill Oil, with it is ratio 15:1 omega 3 to omega 6 fatty acids, contains a very high proportion and is therefore able to compensate for this imbalance. Inflammations can be prevented, and existing inflammations are more rapidly reduced.

Recently, scientists have shown an increasing interest in the role, that inflammation plays on our health and diseases; today inflammation is of one of the most studied areas of medical research.

Such studies have for example shown that heart attacks and strokes could possibly be associated with increased levels of C-reactive protein.

Effects of Krill Oil on inflammation (CRP C-reactive protein) :

Intake of 300mg Krill Oil per day reduced the CRP blood level

  • after 7 days by 19.3%
  • after 14 days by 29.7%
  • after 30 days by 30.9%

Krill Oil helps with joint pain

The third major clinical test series with Krill Oil dealt with the possible effects in the prevention of inflammation and chronic joint pain.

In a carefully controlled series of tests, researchers examined the effects of Krill Oil on patients with diagnosed osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis and increased blood levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) (a molecule that is produced by the liver in response to an inflammatory signal from somewhere in the body). The results were very encouraging.

Effect on joint pain after only 7 days of administration of Krill Oil :

  • Pain reduced by 24%
  • Reduction in stiffness of 22%
  • Flexibility improved by 16%

What is inflammation ?

Joint swelling and pain are caused by inflammation. Here, the immune system of the body attacks invading germs and destroys infected tissue. Once the invaders are curbed, the inflammation subsides, and the healing process begins. Sometimes, however, the inflammatory process simply does not end, as is usually the case, and the inflammation becomes a chronic problem.

Inflammation and joint pain

In rheumatoid or inflammatory arthritis an inflammation occurs because the immune system responds incorrectly, for a still unknown reason, and attacks its own healthy joint tissue. What happens then is a classic example of the basic cascading inflammatory process.

White blood cells accumulate in the joints and make an attack, thereby releasing inflammatory substances (interleukins and others). In response the cells in the overfilled joint release prostaglandins, which are responsible for ensuring that the joint becomes red, painful, and swollen.

Inflammation plays an equally large part in pain due to osteoarthritis, a condition in which the joint cartilage literally wears out with time. This wear is involved with a chronic inflammation of the affected tissues, causing heat, swelling, stiffness, and pain.

A reduction in the inflammation is the key to alleviating joint pain and its arthritic symptoms.

Doctors routinely recommend anti-inflammatory drugs to alter or suppress the inflammatory responses of the body. But nature also has some strong anti-inflammatory agents to offer, including the essential fatty acids in omega-3 acids.

Studies show that, for example, people with rheumatoid arthritis taking omega-3 acid enriched oils have less joint pain, swelling and stiffness - there is even the possibility that they require lower doses of anti-inflammatory drugs.

Equally important are antioxidants that, with their ability to fight free radicals, have a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Both are major components of Krill Oil.

Krill Oil can reduce PMS

The first major clinical study, which was conducted with Krill Oil, illuminated its effect on the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome or PMS.

In 2002, researchers at the University of Montreal, McGill University and other medical centres in Quebec conducted a randomised double-blind study on the use of Krill Oil to alleviate the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). It was published in 2003 in the Alternative Medicine Review (Volume 8, Number 2).

The three-month clinical trial found that krill oil dramatically reduced both the physical and emotional symptoms of PMS and painful (or difficult) menstruation - referred to medically as menstrual dystonia or dysmenorrhoea.

Effect of Krill Oil on premenstrual syndrome:

  • Abdominal pain and uterine cramping reduced by 33%
  • Menstrual irritability decreased by 47%
  • Depression reduced by 49%
  • Weight gain reduced by 30%
  • Water retention reduced by 37%
  • PMS-related breast tenderness reduced by 42%
  • Helps nausea, bloating and fatigue
  • Alleviates headaches and joint and body pains
  • Improved capricious mood swings and cravings
  • Helps in the prevention of menstrual-related anxiety and stress

The study participants were asked to classify the severity of their PMS symptoms from 0 (no symptoms) to 10 (intolerable). They did this at the beginning (baseline), after 45 days treatment with Krill oil and after 90 days. Their PMS symptoms eased considerably - from 20% to over 60%.

What is PMS ?

Experts estimate that 85-97% of women of reproductive age, suffer every month with varying degrees of pain, discomfort, and emotional excitement, which is directly related to the menstrual cycle.

The symptoms vary from woman to woman and from month to month. In general, the symptoms of PMS are far-reaching and unpleasant - from an irritated feeling over devouring an entire box of chocolates to a wide range of physical problems (breast tenderness, abdominal pain, cramps, fluid retention, bloating, weight gain, joint and muscle pain, fatigue, and headaches).

Why Krill Oil works for PMS

The researchers attributed the dramatic results of the studies on the unique molecular profile of phospholipids, omega 3 fatty acids and various antioxidants of Krill Oil.

They formulated the theory that the phospholipids and the main omega 3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA, had worked together to block inflammation, the reason for most PMS symptoms. In addition, the phospholipids are well known for a modulating effect on certain important neurotransmitters in the brain, which noticeably affect the emotional and physical symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

In a summary of the results of the continuous three months clinical, randomised double-blind study, the authors concluded 'with a high level of confidence', that taking Krill Oil in their opinion, 'can considerably reduce the physical and emotional symptoms associated with PMS'.

Krill Oil lowers cholesterol

The second major study on the health-promoting action of Krill Oil focused on the effect of maritime oil on high cholesterol, a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke.

In a well-prepared clinical study, Canadian researchers from the University of Montreal, McGill University and the Riverview Medical Centre in Montreal investigated the mode of action of Krill Oil with hyperlipidaemia (increased blood levels of fat and cholesterol).

The researchers looked in more detail at the total values of cholesterol, LDL and HDL and triglycerides in the course of three months while taking Krill Oil. The study was published in the medical journal Alternative Medicine Review in 2004 (Volume 9, Number 4).

The study showed that Krill Oil significantly reduced the values for total cholesterol - LDL and triglycerides -, however, values increased for HDL, which is good for cholesterol and other blood fats.

What is cholesterol ?

Even if you are slim and healthy, it may be that you have high cholesterol levels and are exposed to the risk of heart disease and strokes. As a waxy, oily ingredient cholesterol is part of a group of lipids (blood fats), which is essential for the production of hormones, nerve fibres and cell membranes.

Cholesterol only becomes a problem if there is too much of it. Normally, your liver produces all the cholesterol you need. If you eat foods with a high content of cholesterol or saturated fats the liver responds by releasing more cholesterol.

Over time, this excess accumulates in your arteries and hardens to the so-called atherosclerotic plaque. Left untreated, this condition known as arteriosclerosis could develop into angina, heart attack or stroke.

Do you know your cholesterol levels ?

If you believe the experts, it is important to keep cholesterol within a healthy range. Ideally, the total cholesterol should be below 200 mg / dl (milligrams per decilitre).

Two major subgroups of cholesterol must also be observed. Ideally, the value of low-density lipoprotein or beta cholesterol (LDL), the so-called 'bad' cholesterol, is less than 100 mg/dl and the high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or 'good' cholesterol has a concentration of at least 60 mg/dl.

(Lipoproteins are tiny globules of fat and protein that help in the transport of fat to cells throughout the body.)

Triglycerides, another important type of lipid, should be less than 150 mg/dl. Triglycerides are the most common excess fats in food products (90% of dietary fat) and the main energy source for the body.

Each type of lipoprotein has a different effect on health.

  • The higher your LDL, a protein that transports cholesterol in the blood, the greater the risk of heart disease.

  • On the other hand, high levels of HDL reduce the cardiovascular risk because HDL cholesterol is transported back to the liver where it is processed by the metabolism and eventually excreted.

  • High triglyceride levels contribute to the thickening of the blood and make people more susceptible to a blood thrombosis. These elevated triglycerides usually occur as a side effect of high cholesterol and other risk factors for heart diseases, such as obesity.

Keep cholesterol levels in an optimal range

Today heart disease and strokes are number 1 on the list of causes of death in the United States, Canada and most western countries. Elevated cholesterol levels are a major risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease.

The American Heart Association estimates that almost 150 million Americans have cholesterol values at the upper limit (200 to 239 mg / dl) and above (over 240 mg / dl). As a result of a recent study, new government guidelines require, that people in the highest risk group (those who have had a heart attack, for example) get their cholesterol levels (especially the LDL values) even below the standard recommendations.

Doctors have responded by prescribing more cholesterol-lowering drugs, mainly statin drugs, which have proved to be effective in lowering the LDL concentration.

In addition, people are prompted to make changes to their lifestyle: regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, stop smoking, less stress and most important, eating healthier and heart-friendly foods (less saturated fats and trans fats, more vegetables, fruits and whole grains and more cold water fish, which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids).

Krill Oil prevents heart disease

Scientists became aware of the beneficial effect of fish oils, when they discovered a surprisingly low incidence of heart disease among Eskimos of Greenland - despite their high-fat diet.

Researchers found that the reason was the high percentage of omega-3 fatty acids in the fish, which was the foundation of the Eskimo diet. Subsequent studies confirmed the cardiovascular protective effect of fish oils. It showed that, among other things, Omega-3 fatty acids such as those in Krill Oil, can reduce triglyceride and LDL levels and increase the HDL levels.

Thus, omega-3 acids prevent inflammation within the arteries, which are a contributing factor to plaque formation.

Why does Krill Oil work with heart disease?

Researchers assumed that the unique molecular structure of Krill Oil with its high content of phospholipids and antioxidants (especially astaxanthin) explains the impressive effect of Krill Oil in regulating cholesterol and other blood lipids.

While it is not fully understood how Krill Oil works, the authors concluded that Krill Oil obviously offers, with its extraordinary combination of useful substances, a 'superior approach' in reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Krill Oil reduces cholesterol

In the above-mentioned study, a dose of 1.0 to 1.5 gram of Krill Oil per day was significantly more successful in reducing LDL and triglyceride levels than a two to three times higher dose of fish oil (3 grams per day). At higher doses (3 grams) Krill Oil also reduced the blood triglycerides, which fish oil did not.

Here are the exact results of the study :

After 90 days, 1000 mg of Krill Oil a day reduced

  • Total cholesterol by 13.44%
  • LDL by 32.03%
  • HDL by 43.92%
  • Triglycerides by 11.03%

A maintenance dose of 500 mg Krill Oil per day reduced after 180 days

  • Total cholesterol by 18.90%
  • LDL by 44.40%
  • HDL by 33.40%
  • Triglycerides by 25.40%

Krill Oil is the only natural product that does not only reduce the cholesterol level, but also triglycerides, and this at a very low dose.

Krill Oil improves the complexion and appearance

Thanks to the powerful antioxidants (especially the carotenoid astaxanthin), Krill Oil has been demonstrated to be a good protection against skin damage and inflammation caused by ultraviolet (UV) light. For the first time ever, a capsule can be taken orally, which protects one from the sun.

Moreover, of the women who had filled out the quality of life questionnaires as part of the cholesterol study, about 58% of them reported a reduction of wrinkles, redness, and other skin problems.

One study participant wrote: 'My skin is not as dry and looks much smoother, and I have a lot less eczema on the scalp'.

In fact, studies are currently being designed to investigate the mechanism of the action of Krill Oil not only for eczema, but also in cases of psoriasis. Astaxanthin acts as a protection for cells against oxidation disorders, this means against everything from relatively simple cell damage up to complete carcinogenesis.

Hair and nails: The women in the survey on quality of life reported as much about shinier hair, as they did about less hair loss and stronger nails. These positive effects can be attributed to the high content of the omega 3 fatty acids DHA and EPA of the Krill Oil.

Krill Oil boosts energy

In the quality of life survey, 51% of the women spoke of an energy boost. In addition, many participants reported that they felt less lethargic while taking Krill Oil. One man even reported that he had abolished his long-practiced afternoon nap.

And a Canadian business student wrote :

  • Since I live my life at an incredible speed, I often feel empty and without energy. Thanks to Krill Oil I have experienced a substantial reduction of mental fatigue and my acuity has improved considerably'.

Even athletes have reported increased performance and better endurance when taking Krill Oil. Researchers believe that this is due to the high choline component (a key component of the brain chemical acetylcholine) in conjunction with the Omega-3 acids that can support such effects. Athletes report that they can train harder and that they achieve better performance.

Krill Oil increases concentration and alertness

In six case studies, the parents of children with dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or autism reported a noticeable improvement in the concentration and attention of their children after they started taking Krill Oil.

Again, it was probably the healthy omega-3 fatty acids (particularly DHA in form of phospholipids, a major constituent of the brain) that were responsible for these impressive results. People are reporting that they no longer need a midday nap and can concentrate on a complex mental situation.

Krill Oil helps with hay fever

Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, a reduction of rhinitis, wheezing, runny nose, and sore eyes, which are all related to the immune system response to microscopic pollen and other allergens, was observed due to the intake of Krill Oil.

Krill Oil reduces autoimmune diseases

A study in the December 2002 issue of the Journal of the American College of Nutrition reported that omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil can bring significant improvements for patients suffering from inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.

Currently tests are designed to determine the effects of omega-3-rich Krill Oil for treating rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Crohn's disease, and lupus.

Recent studies with Krill Oil focus on prostate and breast cancer because both cancers are hormone sensitive and Krill Oil has also proved to be a hormone regulator.

The amazing Krill

Euphausia superba, is a multicellular species with the greatest accumulation (biomass) in the world. The estimated number of krill in the Southern Ocean, which surrounds Antarctica, amounts about 135 million tonnes to more than 6.7 billion tonnes.

In recent years, the annual catch of commercial fishing in the Southern Ocean was 102.000 to 110.000 tonnes, far less than the cautious fixed quotas, of the International Commission for the conservation of Antarctic habitats (CCAMLR). This ensures the species conservation of Antarctic krill - and a continued production of this amazing oil - for the foreseeable future.

The fact that Krill Oil is available as a dietary supplement, has no impact on the ecological balance in the Antarctic, as the annual catch only accounts for about 0.03% of estimated krill stocks.

Even the WWF (World Wildlife Fund) and the International Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Habitats (CCAMLR) examined and confirmed this. Krill Oil may therefore be described as ECOSAFE.

Everyone, from the Russians to the Japanese, attempted to develop an economical method, to garner the krill from the Antarctic Ocean for use in the food industry. All methods showed no success, because the krill that has been frozen and thawed has a very short shelf life. After that, the innovative idea to harvest the shellfish because of its potentially therapeutically effective oil originated.

Scientists spent years repeatedly attempting to recover the oil from Antarctic krill without destroying the nutrients, but they always failed miserably. This changed, thanks to a patented method developed by Neptune Technologies and Bioressources, Inc.

A team of scientists spent five years trying to figure out how the oil can be recovered from the krill, in which the beneficial properties of the oil remain intact. In collaboration with the University of Sherbrooke in Quebec a unique extraction process was developed that allowed just that.

What foods contain Krill Oil ?

Particularly fatty fish such as mackerel, salmon, and tuna are known to contain lots of omega 3 fatty acids. Krill Oil, which in many ways is healthier and more beneficial to the human body, however, is found only in krill crustaceans endemic to the Antarctic.

What could be the consequence of an Omega 3 deficit ?

  • A lack of Omega 3 fatty acids can prevent existing inflammation in the human body to not heal properly, or cause inflammations, which are necessary to fight infection, to not completely recede.
  • A lack of Omega 3 fatty acids can also result in a faster ageing of the skin and brain cells.

Krill Oil - how to take it

Krill Oil as a dietary supplement should be taken just before a meal, divided throughout the day. There are no known side effects or drug interactions.

Krill Oil - naturally healthy

Since krill is at the beginning of the food chain and feeds only on plankton, it is naturally not contaminated with heavy metals, pesticides or other harmful substances. Therefore, these contaminants are below the detection limit for all measurements. Furthermore, Krill Oil comes from the crystal clear waters of the Antarctic.

Krill makes the largest biomass of all creatures on earth and is the main food of many marine animals, especially whales and penguins. The fact that Krill Oil is available as a dietary supplement has no impact on the ecological balance in the Antarctic, as the annual catch only accounts for about 0.03% of estimated krill stocks.

Even the WWF (World Wildlife Fund) and the International Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Habitats (CCAMLR) have checked and confirmed this.

If you suffer from PMS, high cholesterol, joint pain, or any other condition, or if you want to just keep your good health, Krill Oil can help you.

It is important to keep the following points in mind when you buy and use Krill Oil.

What you should consider when purchasing Krill Oil

Not all Krill Oil products are the same. When buying you should always check to see if the product contains high-quality Krill Oil from the Antarctic. It is also crucial that it is Krill Oil that has been obtained by means of a cold extraction, so that the sensitive bio active ingredients of the Krill Oil are retained.

It has been scientifically proven that it is a high-quality source of phospholipids, containing a high concentration of the antioxidant astaxanthin and that it is rich in the important omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. In addition, Krill Oil is an excellent source of choline.

Krill Oil - dosage and use

For the first 2 weeks we recommend having at breakfast a saturation dose of 2-4 500 mg capsules; afterwards you can reduce the dose to 1-2 capsules per day. The necessary amount of Krill Oil depends on the purpose for which you are taking it.

Generally, a dose of 300 to 1000 mg of Krill Oil per day should be helpful with most health problems.

When should you take Krill Oil ?

Krill Oil can be taken at any time. However, we recommend taking it before a meal, at best just before breakfast.

How quickly will you notice the effect of Krill Oil ?

If you are suffering from joint pain, you will notice an improvement within a few weeks. Improvements in high cholesterol or PMS will be noticeable after 2 to 3 months of regular dosages of Krill Oil.

If you are taking Krill Oil daily, the condition of skin, hair and nails will also improve, the brain functions will be strengthened, allergic symptoms reduced, and general well-being improved.

Side effects and interactions of Krill Oil

At the recommended dosage no side effects were observed in Krill Oil as a dietary supplement. The only thing that can happen is that you have more energy and are thus more active. Patients who suffer from a blood clotting disorder should discuss taking Krill Oil with their doctor.

What experts say about Krill Oil :

Studies show that Krill Oil has many advantages over products that contain conventional Omega 3 fatty acids. Experts also agree that taking it has been proven to have positive effects on women with menstrual cramps. Many of the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome can be reduced by up to 50%.

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