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Buying cannabis seeds - What you should know

If you are looking to buy hemp seeds, you've come to the right place. Here you will find hemp seeds of the highest quality and bio-availability guaranteed, and free of unwanted additives. Before you buy peeled hemp seeds, here you will find out what to consider.


Contrary to popular belief, hemp seeds have no intoxicating effect and therefore are freely available. However, the small seeds are full of health-promoting ingredients. For example, they are rich in essential amino acids and good fatty acids. That is why they also belong to the so-called superfoods. The possible uses of hemp seeds are diverse because they are not only healthy but they also taste good. They enrich muesli and porridge in the morning as well as a light and fresh salad for lunch.

What Can Hemp Seeds Do For You?

Hemp seeds contain many macro and micronutrients that our bodies need for various metabolic processes. Plus these small seeds are extremely versatile.

  • Strong immune system In order to survive against pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, or fungi, the body needs a strong defense system. A supply of essential nutrients is a prerequisite for an intact immune defense. The antibodies of the immune system consist of essential amino acids. Hemp seeds contain around 25 percent protein and are therefore a good source of protein. Regular consumption of hemp seeds can help support a healthy immune system.
  • Strength and endurance The amino acids from the seeds of the hemp plant are also the basic substance of tissues such as tendons, ligaments and muscles. Competitive athletes in particular, but also leisure athletes, can benefit from taking hemp seeds, as the proteins they contain are required for muscle building.
  • Healthy digestion Due to the modern diet and exercise habits, more and more people suffer from irregular bowel movement. In order for our intestines to do its job, it needs a sufficient amount of fiber. Hemp seeds are extremely rich in fiber and can therefore contribute to active and healthy digestion.
  • Concentration and memory In addition to fiber and protein, hemp seeds also contain valuable fatty acids. Around 30 percent of the structural fats in the brain consist of omega-3 fats. Fatty acids are therefore of particular importance for the brain to function. With the regular consumption of hemp seeds, you can actively support your concentration and memory performance.

Buying Hemp Seeds - What Should You Look For?

If you want to buy peeled organic hemp seeds, you will find that the selection is huge. We'll tell you what you should really look out for when buying.

  • Products and dosage forms
  • Dosage
  • Application and tolerance
  • Additives and allergens
  • Price-performance ratio
  • Satisfaction guarantee

Products and dosage forms

Hemp seeds are available peeled and unpeeled. Find out more about the advantages and disadvantages of each dosage form.

  • Peeled hemp seeds

  • The peel was removed from the peeled hemp seeds. So you only get the white inner core. This has several advantages. For one thing, the shell of the hemp seeds contains various anti-nutrients. These can hinder the absorption of valuable ingredients in the intestine. Some people also react to these antinutrients with indigestion. Furthermore, the relative proportion of valuable ingredients such as fatty acids or essential amino acids increases. Peeled seeds contain around 55 g of essential fatty acids per 100 g. On the other hand, seeds with shell only have a fat content of 30 g per 100 g. In order to supply the body with the same amount of fatty acids, you would have to consume significantly more unpeeled than peeled hemp seeds.
  • Unpeeled hemp seeds

  • Unpeeled hemp seeds have one advantage over the peeled variant: the unpeeled seeds are usually cheaper. In addition, they have a longer shelf life and are therefore also suitable for storage.

    Hemp seeds ingredients and dosage

    Hemp seeds contain all the essential amino acids. They are therefore a good source of vegetable protein and are ideal for vegans and vegetarians who value a sufficient intake of protein. The essential omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are also part of the seeds. Other health-promoting ingredients include:

    • Calcium
    • Magnesium
    • Iron
    • Potassium
    • Vitamin B1
    • Vitamin B2
    • Vitamin E

    Just 1 to 3 tablespoons of hemp seeds per day are enough to benefit from the many nutrients and vital substances it contains.

    Application and tolerance

    Hemp seeds are well tolerated. Side effects are very rare. In too high a dose, the seeds can cause digestive disorders such as constipation or flatulence due to the high fiber content.

    Hemp seeds are not only healthy, but they also taste great. They can be used in many ways in the kitchen. You can give your muesli more flair with the seeds or season freshly baked rolls with hemp seeds. The seeds also taste great in a smoothie or yogurt. They are also suitable as a tasty salad topping. A milk alternative can also be made from the seeds. Simply puree 100 g of hemp seeds with 500 ml of water in a blender and then strain the mixture through a fine cloth. You can drink this nutritious plant-based drink pure, refine it with cocoa or use it for baking or making desserts just like you would with cow's milk. The hemp seeds can also be used to make spreads as an alternative to sausage, cheese and similar.

    Additives and allergens

    If you are looking to buy hemp seeds, you should choose a product that is free from unnecessary additives. You are on the safe side when you buy organic peeled hemp seeds. Organic quality products are not only free from artificial additives, but they are also not contaminated with pesticides.

    Hemp seeds only have low allergic potency. If you suffer from a hemp allergy, you should not consume it. Allergy sufferers should also ensure that the chosen product is free from potential allergens such as soy, gluten, or lactose.

    Price-performance ratio

    It is understandable that you want to buy hemp seeds at the lowest possible price. Don't just pay attention to the price, put the quality first. Very cheap hemp seeds usually do not come from controlled organic cultivation and can therefore be contaminated with pesticides. You can find a wide range of quality products at a reasonable price online. You also save money if you order larger quantities of hemp seeds. Since these can be used in so many ways, the supply is used up quickly.

    Satisfaction guarantee

    Hemp seeds are mostly well-tolerated and most people like them too. However, it is always possible that the seeds do not meet personal taste or are not tolerated. You don't take any chances when you buy cannabis seeds online from a dealer with a satisfaction guarantee. If you are really dissatisfied with your order, you can return the goods and receive a refund.

    Questions and answers about buying hemp seeds

    These questions and answers about buying hemp seeds may be of interest to you.

    Where can you buy hemp seeds?

    A large selection of high-quality hemp seeds at a reasonable price is available online. Hemp seeds are now enjoying great popularity so that the seeds are even offered in some supermarkets. You can also find what you are looking for in pharmacies.

    Who are hemp seeds suitable for?

    Hemp seeds are suitable for all people who value good taste and a balanced diet. The seeds of the hemp plant complement the daily diet and contribute to a good supply of nutrients to the body.

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