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Osteoxan - for strong bones
120 Capsules
Osteoxan - for strong bones
120 Capsules
  • Supplies all essential nutrients for healthy bones
  • High bioavailability and bioactivity
  • 100% natural calcium from algae
  • 100% vegetable vitamin D3 and vitamin K2
  • Very well tolerated and vegan
  • Guaranteed pure and free of additives
Soy FreeSoy Free
Lactose FreeLactose Free
Without AdditivesWithout Additives

Complete formula of vital substances to maintain healthy bones

Osteoxan is a vital substance formula developed according to the latest scientific knowledge to maintain normal, healthy bones. Regular osteoxan intake can promote bone density and help maintain bone health and stability into old age.

Soy FreeSoy Free
Lactose FreeLactose Free
Without AdditivesWithout Additives
Verified purchase
Osteoxan helps me

Since I have been taking Osteoxan, my back feels better and somehow stronger. The calcium also makes me more balanced and I sleep better.

Written by Britta
Osteoxan - for strong bones
120 Capsules
  • Supplies all essential nutrients for healthy bones
  • High bioavailability and bioactivity
  • 100% natural calcium from algae
  • 100% vegetable vitamin D3 and vitamin K2
  • Very well tolerated and vegan
  • Guaranteed pure and free of additives
Save an extra 5% if you order for GBP 100 or more.
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Or choose a subscription:
Always -20%
every 4 months
1 x 120 Capsules

In stock

  • Free shipping above GBP 25
  • Delivery within 3-4 working days
  • 100 Day Money Back Guarantee
Verified purchase
Osteoxan helps me

Since I have been taking Osteoxan, my back feels better and somehow stronger. The calcium also makes me more balanced and I sleep better.

Written by Britta

Complete formula of vital substances to maintain healthy bones

Osteoxan is a vital substance formula developed according to the latest scientific knowledge to maintain normal, healthy bones. Regular osteoxan intake can promote bone density and help maintain bone health and stability into old age.

Additional information about this productcustom arrow

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Highest Bioactive Ingredients

Osteoxan supplies all important bone vital substances in an optimal dosage and bioavailable form in one product. Osteoxan is a natural dietary supplement, free from side effects.


Osteoxan contains a special 100% natural source of calcium. The calcium is taken from Red Algae Seaweed from the crystal clear waters of Southwest Ireland & Northwest Iceland. This purely plant-based calcium has a very high bioavailability and can be optimally absorbed by the body to form strong bones.

Vitamin D3

The Osteoxan formula contains vegetable vitamin D3, which is obtained from lichens. This means that vegans can also take Osteoxan. Conventional vitamin D3 is obtained from sheep's wool fat and is therefore not suitable for vegans.

Vitamin K2

Osteoxan contains 100% natural all-trans vitamin K2 as menaquinone-7 (MK7), which is fermented with the help of natto cultures. MK7 is the most effective form of vitamin K with the highest bioavailability and bioactivity and, therefore, is ideal for supporting bone formation.

Additional Vitamins and Minerals
  • Boron
  • Magnesium
  • Copper
  • Manganese
  • Zinc
  • Selenium
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin B6



Natural Minerals Complex from Lithothamnium calcareum Algae (30% Calcium, 2,2 % Magnesium), Coating Agent: Hydroxypropylmethyl Cellulose (capsule), Magnesium Citrate, Calcium L-Ascorbate (Vitamin C), Magnesium Oxide, Zinc Gluconate, Bulking Agent: Cellulose, Sodium Borate (Boron), Menaquinone-7 (MK-7; Vitamin K), Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D; vegan), L-Selenomethionine, Manganese Citrate, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B6), Cupric Citrate, Chromium Picolinate.


This product contains no allergens.

Nutrition facts

Recommended daily dose: 4 capsules

Amount per daily dosage


Amount (% NRV*) per 4 capsules









Vitamin C

Vitamin B6

Vitamin K

Vitamin D

730 mg (91,2%*)

292 mg (78%*)

15 mg (150%*)

3 mg**

2 mg (100%*)

1 mg (100%*)

100 µg (250%*)

50 µg (91%*)

200 mg (250%*)

4 mg (285,7%*)

200 µg (266,6%*)

2000 IU / 50 µg (1000%*)

* % of NRV (Nutrient Reference Value) according to EU regulation

** NRV has not been established

Purely Formulated
Purely Formulated

Vitality Nutritionals formulations are free from impurities, articial flavourings and artificial sweeteners. Vegan or vegetarian ingredients are used where possible, and every product is non-GMO.


  • free from lactose, gluten, yeast, soy
  • free from wheat and dairy products
  • free from artificial colours and preservatives
  • free from genetically modified substances
  • suitable for Vegans, Vegetarians and Diabetics


Soy FreeSoy Free
Lactose FreeLactose Free
Without AdditivesWithout Additives


Bones are not dead tissue but are constantly being built up and broken down. They consist of a hard shell and are filled with a fabric matrix.

Ideally, our entire skeleton is renewed every 7 years. This process is regulated by the osteoblasts (building cells) and osteoclasts (building cells). Osteoblasts produce vitamin K-dependent proteins called osteocalcin. This protein binds calcium in the bone matrix and ensures healthy bones.

From around the age of 35, there is increased activity of the osteoclasts, causing the bones to lose about 1 - 1.5% of substance per year. If this breakdown is faster than normal.

Vegans are particularly at risk of certain diseases. On the one hand, because they do not eat dairy products and absorb too little calcium. On the other hand, if they are exposed to too little sunlight, as is the case with most people in Europe, they also produce too little vitamin D in the skin. This leads to a vitamin D deficiency over a longer period and, together with the calcium deficiency.

Osteoxan contains the following vital nutrients which showed in studies to improve the build-up of strong bones.

Vitamin K2

Millions of people take calcium supplements and vitamin D to strengthen their bones. According to the latest scientific findings, these two vital substances alone are not sufficient for healthy bones.

Vitamin K2 showed in several studies to be as important for bone health as Calcium and Vitamin D3. Vitamin K2 activates Osteocalcin, a vitamin k-dependent protein that helps binding calcium in the bone matrix.

If someone lacks Vitamin K2 the bone density may decrease, even if this person gets enough Calcium and Vitamin D3. At the same time, the calcium which should be used for stable bones, is deposited in the artery walls, where it promotes calcification of the blood vessels.

As early as 1984, scientists observed that patients had 70% less vitamin K in serum than a comparison group of the same age. Studies show that people who consume higher amounts of vitamin K2 have stronger, healthier bones. Unfortunately, our environment does not contain enough natural vitamin K2, which means that a large part of the population has a vitamin K2 deficiency.

Natural calcium from algae

Calcium has for decades been the most obvious choice of dietary supplement for improving bone health. Even though it is the foundation for bone building, healthy bones also contain many other minerals and trace elements which are just as important as calcium, even though they are required in very small amounts.

It is also interesting that Osteoxan is not just calcium, but indeed a bioactive mineral mixture. In addition to calcium, it contains 73 other minerals and trace elements, such as magnesium, zinc, iron, manganese, copper, selenium, and many more. The amounts of these are very small, but in the complete mineral matrix, they have a synergistic effect and increase the effectiveness of the calcium it contains.

Although these occur in smaller quantities, they are significantly involved in building healthy bones. Studies show that calcium can only optimally promote the development of bones if it is taken together with other minerals and trace elements.

Natural vitamin D3 from lichen

Vitamin D3 fulfils several tasks when building the bones. These include the absorption of calcium in the intestine and the formation of osteocalcin. This bone-specific protein helps to incorporate calcium into the bone matrix.

As mentioned previously, Osteocalcin also requires the presence of Vitamin K2 to fulfil its work. Therefore, Osteoxan contains 2,000 IU of vitamin D3 per daily dose. This dose is considered optimal and can also be taken daily in the long term.

Natural Magnesium

Magnesium showed in several human studies that it may enhance bone density. Bones contain approximately 50% of the body's magnesium deposits. Magnesium deficiency can lead to certain diseases because it regulates those hormones which are responsible for proper calcium metabolism.


Boron is also very important for building healthy bones, because it supports the metabolism of calcium, magnesium and vitamin D. Boron reduces the excretion of calcium and magnesium in the urine.

This is especially important for women who are experiencing menopause because due to the reduced hormone levels they lose greater amounts of calcium and magnesium.

Copper, Manganese, Zinc, and Selenium

These trace elements are also very important for bone health and the preservation of bone density. Osteoxan supplies these trace elements in a very bioactive form, which can be absorbed very easily by the body.

Vitamin C and Vitamin B6

These vitamins are essential for the build-up of Collagen Type I and other proteins, which account for 20% of the bone matrix. These collagen fibres are responsible for keeping the bones elastic and strong at the same time.

Prevention is better than cure

Early diagnosis of bone diseases is not easy because it develops gradually. The measurement of bone density often does not give sufficient clarity about this.

Usually, it is noticeable only through a stinging and pulling pain in the bones and the back, through a changed posture or through a spontaneous fracture of the bone, vertebral fracture, or fracture of the femur.

Only then are preparations usually prescribed that are intended to restore bone density. But these can hardly stop a process that has developed over decades, they can only delay it. If you want to do something about bone diseases, you should start at the age of 40 at the latest.

In general, calcium, vitamin D, adequate exercise, and 30 minutes of exposure to sunlight every day are recommended. The latest research shows that vitamin K2 and other important bone vital substances are also necessary to maintain healthy bones.

Does Osteoxan interact with prescription drugs?

People who take anticoagulants or have a blood clotting disorder should consult their doctor before taking this product.

The reason for this is that the intake of more than 45 mcg of vitamin K2 per day has an effect on blood coagulation inhibitors based on coumarin, e.g. marcumar, could decrease. These work by inhibiting the effects of vitamin K2 in the body.

However, since our body absolutely needs vitamin K for healthy bones and clean arteries, we recommend not taking any vitamin K-dependent anticoagulants. Talk to your doctor about prescribing a preparation that works independently from vitamin K. These are known as direct oral anticoagulants (DOAK).

Pharma Grade Quality
Pharma Grade Quality

⁠When it comes to your health, quality and safety are of the highest importance. Vitality Nutritionals has rigorous standards in place to ensure they work with only the most reputable suppliers.

  • Exclusive use of premium active ingredients in their purest form
  • Sourced directly from the world’s best producers
  • Complete avoidance of all unnecessary additives
  • All raw materials and finished products undergo strict internal and third-party testing for bioactivity, purity, microbiological content, residual solvents, heavy metals, and pesticides
  • Products are produced, bottled, and encapsulated in the EU according to HACCP and GMP standards


How to use
The recommended intake is:
4 Capsules
2 Capsules
2 times

2 x 2 capsules daily with a glass of water with a meal.


If you are taking an anticoagulant or have a blood clotting disorder, talk to your doctor before taking this product. The intake of vitamin K2 has the effect of possibly decreasing blood coagulation inhibitors based on coumarin, e.g. marcumar.

  Food supplement disclaimer

Food supplements are not a substitute for a balanced, varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded. Keep out of reach of children. The information provided is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professionals. It is not a statement on healing or a recommendation for self-medication.

  • Store tightly closed in a cool, dry place
  • Protect from sunlight and moisture
  • Do not store in the refrigerator
  • Leave the desiccant in the container
  • Keep out of reach of children

Osteoxan 120 capsules
Osteoxan - for strong bones
  • Item No.


  • Brand

    Vitality Nutritionals

  • Portions


  • Unit


  • Made in


  • Net Weight

    107.4 Grams

  • Pack size


  • Servings per day


  • Supply for days


  • Price per kg/l

    £269.93 / 1KG incl. VAT

Dairy Free
Egg Free
Fish Free
Free of Colours
Fructose Free
Gelatine Free
Gluten Free
Lactose Free
No Artificial Sweetener
No Flavours
No Magnesium Stearate
No Microcrystal Cellulose
No Sugar Alcohol
Nut Free
Peanut Free
Preservative Free
Shellfish Free
Soy Free
Sugar Free
Wheat Free
Yeast Free
Made in Europe
Without Additives

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Vitality Nutritionals

Vitality Nutritionals is committed to bringing you the finest nutritional and nutraceutical supplements that are backed by the latest scientific research and proven to deliver real results.

Highest Bioactive Ingredients

Our commitment to using the purest ingredients ensures you get the most from our products. Our supplements are bioactive (easily absorbed in the gut) and bioavailable (easily assimilated).

Purely Formulated

Our formulations are free from impurities, articial flavourings and artificial sweeteners. Vegan or vegetarian ingredients are used where possible, and every product is non-GMO.


We use effective dosages of clinically proven ingredients to ensure potency. Our formulations are informed by human clinical studies, traditional usage and EFSA recommended levels.

Pharma Grade Quality

We follow the highest standards of quality, safety and hygiene in our products. Our supplements are made in European GMP-certified facilities and undergo rigorous internal and third-party testing and quality control.

Latest 5 reviews
Verified purchase

I have been using it for a fortnight and it seems to be having an effect. I feel less pain in my bones and hips, and I notice a strengthening of my nails.

Written by Roberta
Verified purchase
Good mixture!

My bone density has not deteriorated, except in my arms and hands. I appreciate the mixture, but I think it's a shame that the calcium content has decreased, why? I also wonder why there is no silicon in it. But I'm still happy with the product!

Written by Bettina
Verified purchase
Good results

Taking it regularly helps me.

Written by Christoph
Verified purchase
Top product - works!


Written by Mario
Just right

because it does NOT contain iodine, otherwise I would not be allowed to take it with my thyroid problem. You can get iodine from other sources. What I find very unfortunate is that unfortunately there is no German description/instructions on the tin, but there is something in English and two languages that are completely unknown to me.

Written by Heike Bonk
4.6/ 5
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Latest 5 reviews
Verified purchase

I have been using it for a fortnight and it seems to be having an effect. I feel less pain in my bones and hips, and I notice a strengthening of my nails.

Written by Roberta
Verified purchase
Good mixture!

My bone density has not deteriorated, except in my arms and hands. I appreciate the mixture, but I think it's a shame that the calcium content has decreased, why? I also wonder why there is no silicon in it. But I'm still happy with the product!

Written by Bettina
Verified purchase
Good results

Taking it regularly helps me.

Written by Christoph
Verified purchase
Top product - works!


Written by Mario
Just right

because it does NOT contain iodine, otherwise I would not be allowed to take it with my thyroid problem. You can get iodine from other sources. What I find very unfortunate is that unfortunately there is no German description/instructions on the tin, but there is something in English and two languages that are completely unknown to me.

Written by Heike Bonk
Based on 137 reviews
Latest 5 reviews
Verified purchase

I have been using it for a fortnight and it seems to be having an effect. I feel less pain in my bones and hips, and I notice a strengthening of my nails.

Written by Roberta
Verified purchase
Good mixture!

My bone density has not deteriorated, except in my arms and hands. I appreciate the mixture, but I think it's a shame that the calcium content has decreased, why? I also wonder why there is no silicon in it. But I'm still happy with the product!

Written by Bettina
Verified purchase
Good results

Taking it regularly helps me.

Written by Christoph
Verified purchase
Top product - works!


Written by Mario
Just right

because it does NOT contain iodine, otherwise I would not be allowed to take it with my thyroid problem. You can get iodine from other sources. What I find very unfortunate is that unfortunately there is no German description/instructions on the tin, but there is something in English and two languages that are completely unknown to me.

Written by Heike Bonk
4.6/ 5