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Lyopene is an antioxidant, most commonly found in tomatoes and tomato-based products. The intake of Lyopene capsules can help to prevent the formation of free radicals, which will help to prevent many chronic diseases.
Paired with Lyopene's ability to protect against skin damage, it is clear to see why Lyopene has become a popular supplement used for its anti-ageing properties.
Additionally, there have been studies which link Lyopene to a reduced risk of cancer, particularly in the prostate.
Lyopene is a naturally occuring antioxidant which seems to prevent harmful by-products of metabolism, known as free radicals, from forming. These free radicals are believed to be responsible for damaging the body's cells and their genetic makeup, leading to chronic disease and illness.
For example, Lyopene's function as an antioxidant can decrease the risk of the brittle bone disease osteoporosis. The supplement prevents free radicals from disrupting the balance of naturally occurring age-related bone loss and new bone formation.
Lyopene also assists in keeping your teeth and gums healthy. It has shown antibacterial and antifungal properties which have specifically aided oral health.
Additionally, many studies show that Lyopene can improve your cardiovascular health. Heart disease is commonly attributed to poor diet and ageing, but increased Lyopene consumption can help to improve heart health and blood pressure.
On a more superficial level, the skin protection properties of Lyopene assists in the prevention of sun damage.
This is good news as sun damage to your skin can lead to the development of fine lines and wrinkles, discolouration, and textural changes to your skin. These visible effects of sun damage will make your skin look prematurely aged and noticeably damaged.
Recent studies suggest that Lyopene may decrease the risk of the development of prostate cancer. According to these studies, diets rich in Lyopene inhibits the neoangiogenesis that occurs in tumor development, which reduces the aggressive potential of prostate cancer.
Therefore low prostatic Lyopene levels are associated with a greater likelihood of prostate cancer.
Research has shown that people who consume high levels of Lyopene may have a lower cancer risk. Recent studies have shown that an increased dietary intake of Lyopene is associated with a decreased risk of prostate cancer, and higher Lyopene intake is associated with lower angiogenic potential in tumors based on vessel shape and size.
Lyopene also has a protective effect against UV skin damage, which suggests that the risk of skin cancer would also be reduced with a diet high in Lyopene.
Additionally, results from several in vitro studies and animal studies have indicated that Lyopene may also have preventive effects on skin cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, and liver cancer.
Studies have shown that the phytonutrient Lyopene may reduce sun damage by 35% by neutralizing harmful free radicals created by the sun's UVA and UVB rays.
Topical application of the supplement assists in the body's metabolic functions related to growth and repair. UVB radiation has been shown to deplete PCNA (proliferating cell nuclear antigen), which is an important substance in your skin that is vital for cell repair and DNA synthesis.
The topical application of Lyopene has been found to significantly reverse the reduction of PCNA caused by exposure to UVB rays. In addition, Lyopene may also protect your skin by encouraging cell renewal, reducing inflammation, and inhibiting DNA damage.
As sun related skin damage can cause skin cancer, taking Lycopene could help to prevent skin cancer as well.
Researchers have not found any Lyopene side effects. However to be safe, it is important to follow standard dosage requirements. Always check the label of Lyopene supplements in case there are other ingredients that may cause side effects. In rare cases lycopene capsules may also cause allergic reactions.
Since Lyopene is a lipid, Lyopene benefits are increased when it is consumed with oil for better absorption. Some substances such as colestipol, cholestyramine, mineral oil, and orlistat may decrease Lyopene absorption.
Although there are no known Lyopene side effects, some vitamin capsules contain wheat, sugar, soy, yeast, salt, whey, gluten, nuts or shellfish. Therefore you should double check the label of the supplement's packaging if you have an allergy to any of these items.
Although the optimal Lyopene dosage for its general antioxidant benefits isn't known, most researchers suggest consuming 6-15 mg of Lyopene daily. Doses vary for specific health conditions. For instance, a minimum dosage of 6 mg per day is recommended for cancer protection.
For asthmatic conditions, Lyopene supplements have been shown to help with exercise-induced asthma in people who took 30 mg per day. For prostate heath, you require a minimum of 15 mg of Lyopene daily.