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Spirulina is one of the most nutritious foods in the world. Its variety of vital substances makes it the ideal nutritional supplement for people of all ages. Many people who take spirulina feel energetic, more mentally alert and even more alive. Spirulina promotes health, vitality, energy, strengthens the immune system and reduces appetite.
The micro-algae spirulina offers the human organism a unique mixture of natural vital substances that can be easily absorbed by the body.
This way, people with an increased need for vitamins, minerals, trace elements and amino acids can easily ensure an adequate supply. Athletes rely on spirulina to increase the energy level and thus their performance.
Spirulina is a unique blue-green micro-algae and is one of the oldest plant organisms on earth. With their immense production of oxygen, they made the emergence of highly developed life on earth possible. The experience of billions of years of development is stored in their genetic code.
Spirulina consists of a very large extent of a protein, that the human body needs, for example, to build cells and form antibodies. Numerous body functions are supported by the valuable unsaturated fatty acids contained in spirulina, especially gamma-linolenic acid.
Spirulina is also rich in vitamins and vital substances that the organism needs to control numerous metabolic processes. The body can't produce minerals and trace elements itself. Therefore, it is dependent on a regular intake in order to avoid a loss of vitality.
Spirulina can also play an important role in detoxifying the body because certain ingredients are able to remove heavy metals as well as bind cadmium and various environmental toxins.
Spirulina can strengthen the body's defenses and promote the production of radical scavengers and antioxidants, which can have positive effects on the aging process and the protection of cells.
Spirulina is the most protein-rich natural food and surpasses meat, fish, or poultry as a protein supplier for the human organism. The algae have the advantage that is a 100% plant-based, a raw protein that does not burden the body with cholesterol or other undesirable substances.
Spirulina also contains significantly more beta carotene than carrots. This is converted into vitamin A in the body. It is important for the eyesight and the elasticity of the skin. The carotenoids also function as antioxidants or radical scavengers in the body and can thus make valuable contributions to protect health.
Numerous vitamins and trace elements, in which deficiency symptoms can easily occur, are also contained in spirulina. These include, for example, vitamins B12 and E as well as selenium, folic acid and iron. Also, the iron content of spirulina is higher than that of meat. The vital substance can easily be absorbed by the body and is tolerated well.
The valuable and rare gamma-linolenic acid contained in spirulina belongs to the omega-6 group. This is of great importance to the cell's function in the human body and for the exchange of information between the cells. In addition to this, these fats are building blocks for the production of vital hormones.
Spirulina contains various vital substances which the body can easily absorb. The power algae is a natural food supplement with valuable ingredients that are well tolerated by the stomach and intestines. In this way, the body can be adequately supplied with the necessary components for more activity, performance and health.
A cure-based treatment can support the treatment of allergies such as hay fever, as spirulina contains components that inhibit the production of histamine in the body.
Spirulina is suitable for accompanying an alkaline fasting cure in connection with over-acidification of the body, for example as a result of a nutritional deficiency, taking medication, or lack of exercise.
Spirulina is a 'superfood' and the most nutritious and concentrated whole food that is currently known. The algae has a lively history and a fascinating biological and ecological niche in the flora.