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Buy Tyrosine - What you should know

If you're looking to buy tyrosine, you've come to the right place. Here you will find L-tyrosine of the highest quality and purity, guaranteed free of additives. Before you order tyrosine capsules, tyrosine powder or tablets, you can find out what you need to consider here.

L-tyrosine has a positive effect on creativity, clear thinking, concentration and mental performance.

L-tyrosine plays a large role in the production of brain-active amino acids. Therefore, L-tyrosine has a very big influence on mental energy and performance. It can help increase personal performance, attention, concentration and motivation in a natural way.

Tyrosine is a non-essential amino acid found in most proteins. Due to its large influence on hormone production, tyrosine has an indirect effect, in particular on motivation, vitality and general well-being.

Although the body can also produce tyrosine itself, it still requires the supply of phenylalanine.

What is Tyrosine?

  • Tyrosine is a non-essential amino acid found in protein-rich foods.
  • The human body can also produce the amino acid itself.
  • Tyrosine effects the formation and effects of certain hormones; including adrenaline and noradrenaline, dopamine and melatonin as well as thyroid hormones.
  • It has a special effect on a person's well-being.
  • It promotes inner strength, energy, endurance and motivation when it comes to achieving goals.

Tyrosine effect

Tyrosine plays an important role in the formation of the two thyroid hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine (T3). They control the protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism and are dependent on tyrosine.

Thyroxine and T3 are responsible for human development and growth and also regulate the heart rate, body temperature and water balance in humans.

With the help of tyrosine, the adrenal medulla also produces the hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline, which in particular control the energy supply throughout the body and which are released directly into the blood when needed.

Furthermore, it plays a role in the production of dopamine, which mainly controls the blood flow to the organs, controls part of the kidney functions and is also involved in the production of the happiness hormones.

Tyrosine is recommended for:

  • Intensive training phases
  • Increasing personal performance
  • Reinforcing positive motivation
  • Increasing attention and concentration
  • Emotional discomfort
  • Increasing well-being
  • Chronic muscle tension
  • Sleep disorders
  • Migraine-like headaches

Which foods contain tyrosine?

Tyrosine is found in protein-rich foods. These include meat, fish, legumes and nuts. High levels of tyrosine have been found in chicken eggs, soybeans and milk.

How does a lack of tyrosine unfold itself?

  • Lack of vitality
  • Depressive moods
  • Lack of enthusiasm
  • Listlessness
  • Lack of concentration
  • Sleep disorders
  • Migraine-like headaches
  • Muscle tension
  • Cravings for carbohydrates and sweets

Tyrosine - Increases mental energy and clear thinking

Of all brain-active amino acids, tyrosine has the greatest effect on brain function and performance. Studies show that L-tyrosine helps you stay focused, wide awake and productive under extreme conditions.

Amino acids play a central and important role in most of the biochemical processes within our body, which is often characterized by a high degree of complexity.

The interaction of the most diverse substances, which must be optimally coordinated, has a major effect on how smoothly and purposefully these processes run, are controlled and benefit us.

L-tyrosine has a special position here, as the effect of this amino acid primarily affects a person's well-being. Due to its high influence on the formation of certain hormones, L-tyrosine influences such central areas as motivation, the feeling of vitality, overall well-being and the perceived mood.

The effect of L-tyrosine is indirect and therefore all the more convincing

Unlike other vital substances, L-tyrosine as a dietary supplement does not have a direct effect on certain areas such as cell and tissue supply or muscle building.

The effect is indirect and therefore all the more convincing, as L-tyrosine is able to positively change personal motivation, perceived strength and overall mood.

Highly motivated people will undoubtedly achieve better results. The sustainability and consistency in sticking to the planned goals have a very large effect on the result and this is exactly where the effect of the amino acid comes in:

  • L-tyrosine supports the entire organism in the consistency and the inner strength that are required to achieve planned tasks.

If the effect of the amino acid is already noticeable and convincing in normal life situations, it increases when it comes to achieving goals in difficult life situations.

Particular stress, low motivation, doubts about the set goals and general mood swings can be alleviated with the additional intake of L-tyrosine.

The head is free from cloudy thoughts, the ability to concentrate on the actual goals is restored and the original goals are achieved even if the external circumstances are temporarily not optimal.

In combination with the fact that the intake of L-tyrosine, within the frame of the recommended amounts and dosages, is largely free of undesirable side effects, the benefits are generally convincing, so that numerous tyrosine products are available on the market.

Since there is no direct influence on the performance, but only the motivation is positively changed, the intake of tyrosine as a dietary supplement is also recognized among athletes who don't want to take other substances.

For a deeper understanding of how tyrosine works in the human organism, it is necessary to get an overview of the fundamental nature and effect of amino acids.

Amino acids – General

Within the exact definition, amino acids actually have to be referred to as amino-carboxylic acids. These are organic compounds whose chemical structure requires at least one carboxyl group and one amino group.

The term amino acid is mostly used in a simplistic way when we are actually talking about so-called proteinogenic amino acids, the definition of which is based on the fact that their main task is the production of endogenous protein.

So far, a total of 20 of these proteinogenic amino acids are known. In addition to this, there are 250 non-proteinogenic amino acids that take on other, also central, biological tasks in the body.

Amino acids - The building blocks of the body

In a period of about two years, the entire human organism constantly renews itself over its entire lifespan. The basic substance that is inevitably required for this, which also makes up the main substance of skin, muscles, bones, joints, blood, hair and nails, is protein.

In relation to the immune system, protein also plays an indispensable and key role in the production of enzymes and hormones.

The protein in the human body is made up of amino acids, which play a vital role for the entire organism and which are also responsible for both physical health and the general performance of people.

The degree of muscles formed and the specific biological age also depend on the interaction of various amino acids in the body. In this area of activity, amino acids are seen as building blocks for life.

Amino acids - Essential, not essential

Amino acids are first distinguished by the question of whether they can be produced by the human body itself or whether they have to be supplied from outside through nutrition.

  • If the body is able to produce certain amino acids itself, then these are called non-essential amino acids.
  • If, on the other hand, it is necessary that these have to be consumed as part of the diet, then it is called an essential amino acid.

A third group, the so-called semi-essential amino acids, can basically be produced by the body itself. For this, however, the presence of certain protein building blocks is absolutely necessary. If these are not available, the semi-essential amino acids also play an essential role.

Another property of semi-essential amino acids is that their requirements often depend on individual living conditions in terms of age, state of health, or the individual stress situation.

Essential amino acids are:

  • Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine,
  • Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine,
  • Tryptophan and Valine.

The non-essential amino acids include:

  • Alanine,
  • Asparagine, Aspartic acid,
  • Glutamine, Glutamic acid,
  • Glycine, Proline and Serine.

Arginine and histidine are so-called semi-essential amino acids. While cysteine and tyrosine are basically non-essential, they can gain essential importance in certain development phases, e.g. during childhood and growth and under particular stress.

The body needs additional, essential amino acids for their production, which means that they can also be counted among the semi-essential amino acids.

Amino acids - Supply

Basically, the adult body is able to store around 100 grams of amino acids. These are stored in a type of reservoir, from where they can be transported to the respective places of need in the body, where they can then be used in a targeted manner in protein production.

If the body is not supplied with enough amino acids, the first reaction is active muscle breakdown. In this case, the corresponding cells are used to obtain the missing amino acids.

Amino acids - Protein production

The pure protein production itself takes place in the ribosomes, the smallest bodies within the human cells.

Within the DNA of these cells, the recipes for proteins are stored, in particular, the information about which amino acids, in which order and in which amount must be put together in order to be able to produce a certain protein component.

L-Tyrosine - Production & increased need

As a fundamentally non-essential amino acid, tyrosine can be produced independently in the human body. The prerequisite for this, however, is the availability of phenylalanine, an essential amino acid that must be ingested with food.

If there is a phenylalanine deficiency, the production of tyrosine will no longer be possible and the amino acid becomes essential. This is the case with the disease phenylketonuria, in which a person can only consume very little phenylalanine. The need for tyrosine always increases when people are exposed to stress.

This can be increased occupational stress as well as stress in general, as it can occur in psychologically difficult situations or in the context of particular athletic stress.

L-tyrosine - Central role

The question of why this amino acid plays such a central role can be quickly and comprehensively explained if you take a closer look at the biological processes, which are vital for tyrosine:

  • Tyrosine mainly plays a role in the production of dopamine, adrenaline, noradrenaline, triiodothyronine and thyroxine.

These neurotransmitters, e.g. messenger substances and hormones, dopamine, adrenaline, noradrenaline, triiodothyronine and thyroxine have special functions in the body.

1. Dopamine

From a biological point of view, dopamine primarily controls the blood flow in the human organs, part of the kidney function and a number of other regulatory processes.

In addition to its biological function, dopamine is also popularly referred to as the happiness hormone and is mainly released when a person is in the so-called flow.

This condition, which is also known as creative frenzy, occurs when a person is guided by the feeling of being able to cope with a specific task, being satisfied with the result and having a clear goal in mind.

If these phenomena occur together, then the heartbeat, breathing and blood pressure synchronize, the person loses track of time in relation to his/her activity and he/she is exclusively occupied with his/her current activity.

The central importance of dopamine becomes apparent when you examine the consequences of a corresponding deficiency in the organism: These can unfold themselves in the form of Parkinson's disease or schizophrenia.

Dopamine can't be produced without tyrosine.

2. Adrenaline and noradrenaline

The stress hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline primarily control the energy supply in the entire body and are closely related to each other.

While adrenaline ensures that enough energy is available within the carbohydrate metabolism, it also breaks down fat in adipose tissue and glycogen in the liver, accelerates the heart's activity and stimulates blood flow in the brain. Noradrenaline functions as a messenger substance within the sympathetic nervous system.

Norepinephrine also has an increasing effect on oxidative metabolism and therefore creates the physical prerequisites for increased motivation.

Both hormones are formed as a result of fear, stress or attacks, as well as in situations that are connected with extraordinary efforts. In any case, an adequate supply of tyrosine is required to provide the important substances.

3. Thyroid hormones

Thyroid hormones, in general, ensure a balanced and good energy balance within the entire organism. Your targeted production is closely matched to the existing needs.

The two thyroid hormones triiodothyronine and thyroxine, for the production of which tyrosine is required, control the protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism and are also responsible for human development and growth.

They also regulate a person's heart rate, body temperature and water balance.

In this context, it becomes particularly clear how diverse and at the same time how important and vital those processes are in the human body, which are dependent on an adequate supply of tyrosine.

Due to the special property of the amino acid in relation to its division within the formula of essential and non-essential substances, it shows that, depending on the situation, stress and requirement as well as the overall supply and in particular the supply of phenylalanine, an additional intake of tyrosine, as part of a dietary supplement, can be very important.

In particularly stressful conditions, with great professional or personal stress and during intensive training phases, the dietary supplement with L-Tyrosine is able to significantly increase personal performance, attention, concentration and motivation.

L-tyrosine products

The body is additionally supplied with L-tyrosine when taking dietary supplements.

Significant reasons for this can be a general deficiency of this very important amino acid or a temporary undersupply, which can occur within the frame of a special sports diet.

Such diets are mainly used when it comes to the targeted preparation for certain training goals or competitions, and especially in this situation, it is very important that the motivation and perseverance of the athlete are also supported with a basic complete supply of the body.

The extensive effect of tyrosine has already been explained in detail, so there can be no doubt about the importance of this substance.

While the recommended daily dose of L-tyrosine, as part of a balanced supply, is stated as 0.2 - 6.0 grams per day, depending on the individual stress, the amino acid can be taken in the form of capsules, tablets, or L-tyrosine powder.

The dosage forms only differ in terms of the simplicity and safety of the dosage; the effect is identical in the three forms. The preparations should be taken with sufficient amounts of water or juice.

It is not recommended to take it with protein-containing liquids.

Effects and side effects of tyrosine

Products that supply the human body with additional L-tyrosine have been shown to increase the production of dopamine, melatonin, adrenaline, noradrenaline and beta-endorphin in particular.

This increase becomes noticeable in relation to various areas of well-being, especially through the increase in concentration, enthusiasm, vitality and creativity.

The amino acid increases the production and conversion of serotonin, which in turn means that L-tyrosine is used in the treatment of depression and anxiety. The substance is also used for certain heart diseases, chronic muscle tension, sleep disorders and migraine-like headaches.

Tyrosine ensures healthy sleep, in the falling asleep phase and has an effect on a healthy appetite, especially in relation to the prevention of cravings for carbohydrates and sweets. Overall, tyrosine has a reputation for promoting clear thoughts, increasing the ability to learn and counteracting memory lapses.

Despite the extensive effects, L-Tyrosine products are largely free of side effects if the dosage recommendations are regarded.

It should also be noted that numerous protein products are in turn enriched with amino acids. With this in mind, it should be checked, including all sources, whether there is already an additional supply of tyrosine, which must be taken into account when calculating the individual dosage.

If there are any doubts about the total amount administered and the individual tolerability, a protocol should be kept over the amount administered and the respective overall state of health. Corresponding results and observations can then be discussed and optimized with the treating physician.

L-tyrosine - For athletes

If the relevant information is taken into account and tyrosine is taken according to the recommended total dosage, then a supply of this amino acid represents a very useful addition to the diet, the positive effects of which are clearly noticeable for athletes.

Even in a very strenuous training phase, it can be ensured that the motivation does not decrease, as it can otherwise happen quickly when under the influence of additional stress factors.

The positive effect on the production and conversion of serotonin in the body has extensive positive effects on the overall well-being, on the cardiovascular system, the gastrointestinal system and the central nervous system and is generally regarded as a so-called happiness hormone.

The focus on the goal is forced, distracting factors, doubts and general gloomy thoughts fade into the background, while a restful sleep and an overall good general well-being help to confidently achieve the goals set. Due to the indirect influence, the performance is still incumbent on the athlete himself.

The substance does not have a direct effect on the performance but instead ensures that the goals are implemented consciously and with concentration. This way, achieved goals are traced back to personal performance, which in turn promotes motivation.

Tyrosine intake and application:

The effectiveness of tyrosine has been scientifically proven. The intake is also recognized by athletes. Especially athletes who want to increase their performance in a natural way use preparations with tyrosine. Tyrosine can increase energy and performance without any side effects and thus increase the athlete's motivation.

Tyrosine helps in targeted preparation for competitions or to achieve certain training goals. In these situations, athletes can use tyrosine to train at a higher level and ensure that their body is optimally supplied.

It is taken in the form of tablets, capsules, or as a powder with a sufficient amount of water or fruit juice. The dosage is 1 to 2 grams, depending on the individual stress level. It should be taken before physical or mental stress.

Due to its properties, tyrosine is also used in special sports diets to lower appetite and increase energy at the same time.

For whom is tyrosine especially important?

  • Athletes
  • People with concentration disorders
  • People with slightly depressed moods
  • People who suffer from migraines
  • People with sleep disorders

What experts say about tyrosine:

It has been proven that tyrosine, like dopamine, adrenaline and noradrenaline, has a positive effect on our mood. The brain and memory performance also increases.

As a starting substance, it influences the formation of thyroid hormones. If these are generated in too small a quantity, it can lead to lethargy and a lack of drive, negative moods and tiredness.

The human body can produce this amino acid itself from the essential amino acid phenylalanine. A study showed that children with ADD and the elderly often suffer from low levels of phenylalanine and can therefore not produce enough tyrosine.

In another study, pain patients benefited from taking phenylalanine, the precursor to tyrosine, because it reduced the breakdown of pain-relieving endorphins.

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