The urinary system is structured in a way that it frees the body of waste products. The urine - which is sterile and usually free of bacteria and viruses and which contains waste products - reaches the bladder through the two ureters from the kidneys. The ureters are about 20 to 25 cm long. The muscles in the urethral walls contract and relax to push urine down from the kidneys.
Why sleep is so important - which "sleep-disturbing" habits to avoid - proven tips for falling asleep as a "first aid" - how nutritional supplements can support.
Hyaluronic acid has been an integral part of the cosmetics industry for many years. The active ingredient that occurs naturally in the body is particularly valued for its anti-aging properties. But the possible uses go far beyond that, for example in various areas of medicine.
In this interview, Prof. Wienecke explains why
magnesium is so important for athletes and the potential consequences of a
magnesium deficiency. The laboratory analysis process is also critically
examined -> find out more now!
An optimal supply of minerals like magnesium is essential for health and well-being β yet numerous studies show that many of us have some form of magnesium deficiency. But what are the factors that may indicate a magnesium shortfall? How can you optimise your own magnesium supply? And what things should you bear in mind when taking supplements? We put these questions to Prof. Emer. Ludwig SpΓ€tling, whose own research focus is gynaecology, emphasised the importance of magnesium for a smooth pregnancy with minimal risk of complications, among other things, in an interview.
Taurine is an amino acid that is found throughout the body. It is particularly concentrated in the brain, eyes, heart and muscles.
Calcium is not only one of the most well-known minerals, the substance is also one of the most common nutritional supplements. This shows how important calcium is for the body and for your health. Almost 100% of the calcium in the body is in the bones and teeth.
A vitamin B12 deficiency damages the body in the long run. We take in the vital vitamin primarily with animal foods. If the amount ingested is not sufficient, the body's B12 storages empty up: the deficiency manifests itself in very different symptoms. Learn all about the causes and symptoms of the deficiency and how to prevent it.
Magnesium is involved in the formation of more than 300 vital enzymes in the body. This shows how important it is for performance and energy. Magnesium relaxes the muscles and prevents muscle cramps. It is a natural anti-stress agent, regulates blood pressure and prevents cardiac arrhythmias. Magnesium is the most valuable mineral of our time.
Ashwagandha has been used in Indian medicine for 5000 years to strengthen the vital force. It gives inner peace and strength, reduces fear, increases energy, vitality and performance, is a natural aphrodisiac, rejuvenates body and mind, and promotes longevity.
Vitamin E is considered a true fountain of youth. As a powerful antioxidant, it slows down the aging process, protects the heart and arteries, increases fertility and strengthens the immune system.
Vitamin C is certainly one of the best known and best researched vitamins. No wonder, after all, the vital substance takes on numerous tasks in the body. The water-soluble vitamin strengthens the immune defense, has antioxidant properties, promotes wound healing and iron absorption.