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Tests and product advice
Want to know which dietary supplement is right for you? Take one of the following tests and find out.
Vitamin test
Determine your personal vitamin needs by answering a few simple questions! At the end of the test you will see your results including our product recommendations. These recommendations are based on your needs and habits. We also explain why we recommend exactly these products. Would you like to receive the test results by email? No problem!
Start testMagnesium
Are you wondering what product based on magnesium is right for you?
Bones, muscles & joints
Mรถchten Sie wissen, welches Produkt Sie in Ihrer Situation am besten unterstรผtzen kann?
Vitamin D
Want to know which vitamin D product is right for you?
Find the answer in our blog articles
We not only offer vitamin tests or 1:1 consultations. We also have an extensive blog database where we answer common questions about nutrients. You'll probably find your answer there!